Paid Memberships Pro Integration
Having trouble managing your Paid Memberships Pro member’s data? FluentCRM has got you covered! The CRM’s automatic 360° contact import feature and great marketing automation will surely fulfill your needs and provide you with a pleasant membership platform experience.

Data Makes You Efficient
Managing Membership Got Easier!

Import Data Automatically
FluentCRM automatically imports and updates your Paid Memberships Pro member’s data so that you get all information at your fingertips. And when you’re ready to level up your site, you can use this data to upsell like a pro!
360° Overview Members’ Activities
FluentCRM doesn’t just import your Paid Memberships Pro members’ data! It also stores your communication history and purchase data. You’ll know exactly when your member has joined, upgraded, or chosen a different membership plan. And most importantly, you’ll learn how your emails have performed for any user!

Apply Lists And Tags
We know what VIP Paid Memberships Pro members mean to you. They keep your website alive. So why not save your VIP members into a different list? Or, how about applying tags to differentiate your particular member from the average ones? With FluentCRM, you can categorize members into lists or assign tags to them effortlessly!
Activity Logs
You might get support requests and feedback from your members via support tickets and forms from time to time. And you might also want to log your members’ activities to have a better overview of them. FluentCRM keeps your users’ form submissions, support tickets, and also lets you log activities of your members!

Relax in Autopilot
Your peace of mind is so much more important than the chaos that user management can sometimes turn out to be. Use the in-depth reporting to analyze your contacts’ behaviors easily and automate funnels and set email sequences. FluentCRM will take care of the rest.
Includes 40+ Integrations
FluentCRM seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce, lead generation, membership, and LMS plugins. Connect your tools now and unlock unlimited automation possibilities. No add-ons needed!
No ‘Success Taxes’, Only a Flat Yearly Pricing!
Get all the features, store unlimited contacts, or set up unlimited email campaigns. Say goodbye to complex pricing tiers and expensive monthly fees. Switch to an all-in-one platform that offers simple, flat pricing tiers!
Super Saver

1 Site License

1 Domain License

1-Year Plugin Update

1-Year Priority Support

All Features Included

5 Site License

5 Domain License

1-Year Plugin Update

1-Year Priority Support

All Features Included

50 Site License

50 Domain License

1-Year Plugin Update

1-Year Priority Support

All Features Included

Unlimited Contacts

Unlimited Email Campaigns

Integrated Forms

Advanced Segmentation

360° Contact Overview

Email Sequences

Custom Fields

35+ Free Integrations

Powerful Email Automation

Advanced Reports


100+ More Features