We are so excited about FluentCRM 1.5.0 which will be released at the end of March 2021. I would like to give you an overview of the features that are coming. This will be the biggest update since we launched FluentCRM.
1. Multi-Path Conditional Automation Funnel
Yes, finally we are going to release this most requested feature and I am super excited about this feature as this will make the automation funnel super powerful and you can do lots of things based on different conditions.

This feature was the most challenging for our development team and for last few months they worked hard to make it perfect.
At this moment, You can check if a user has a specific tag or list, or if the user purchased any specific product in EDD and based on the result you can create a Yes/No branch and run your automation sequences.
In the future, We will add a Product Purchase check on your WooCommerce store or check if the user purchased a specific course in your favorite LMS or You can check specific contact property.
You can create as many branch as you want.
2. CRM Access Roles

From the next version, You can assign CRM managers with specific roles and define what modules they can access. For example, You can give permission to your VA only to create email templates or give access to manage contacts. Or maybe give access only to run campaigns. This will be super handy for people who want to add more members in the managerial role in the FluentCRM but still give them restricted access.
3. SmartLinks Improvements

SmartLinks are very handy feature in FluentCRM. Previously, You could add list or tag when someone click in a link from email or in your site. From version 1.5.0, you can remove tag on click. A use case would be, Provide a link in the email to unsubscribe from the “Marketing Emails” Tag so they will not get any marketing emails.
4. More Analytics Data

FluentCRM provides lots of data analytics in your campaign. You can easily see how many emails were opened, how many clicks even you can see how much revenue it could generate from your WooCommerce store from a specific campaign. From this version, You can see the same analytics data for your email sequences and automation emails.
5. Better RTL Support and Fully Translatable
FluentCRM is built mostly using Javascript (specially Vue.js) and that’s why it’s super fast and single page application. In this 1.5.0 version, We have included all the strings that we have used in the VueJS as translatable so you can translate all the strings in your language.
We also work on RTL issues on the email editor so it should work on Right to Left languages. We are still testing the compatibility and we will improve the support.
What’s more!
Our team still working on few features and feature improvements and we are excited to release this version at the end of this month.

Great stuff! Are you also looking into Goal feature. Use case is an email funnel where you like to persuade a customer to act. However, as soon the customer hits the jackpot it jumps to the goal position in the funnel.
Maybe some kind of point system to grant points to a customer for every action he/she takes on the website. The amount is a hint how ready a customer is to buy or take to the next level (next sequence email).
Great idea Christiaan! Let’s see if our developers can pull this off.
Finally! Everybody was waiting for this funnel update! 🙂
I’m so glad to see the user roles! This has been much needed. And the others as well. Great to see the growth and looking forward to seeing FluentCRM evolve.
Great changes! Thank you. We LOVE Fluent CRM.
Still waiting for the option to import my Woocommerce customers. So strange that a plug-in that supports Woocommerce cant read its customers? Still haven’t used the plugin because of this.
Awesome stuff, guys and gals! Keep it up!
Excellent — Especially the conditional feature for automations and SmartLinks. Well done! Two important features I would like to see added:
#1. Integrate FluentCRM Automations with Zapier so it can utilize other plugins and database values in the conditionals and other automation actions.
#2. Inegrate FluentCRM with DAP, the number 1 rated membership plugin for WordPress. Here’s and expert review by ChrisLema.com, he reviewed all the top Membership plugins based on 11 criteria. DAP is on top again (and includes LMS, Learning Management System features). https://chrislema.com/when-did-you-last-look-at-the-dap-membership-plugin/
Holymoly… That´s the best news I got this year! Your team is awesome!!!
Amazing features! that’s the reason I switch to Fluent CRM from ActiveCampaign. 🙂
What I also would greatly appreciate is an agency addon where I could restrict sites to send x emails or add x contacts and have an overview of all my installed sites
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