FluentCRM 1.1.3 release note

FluentCRM version 1.1.3 release note

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Earlier this month we have released FluentCRM and within 2 weeks we got 1000+ active installs and one thousand plus business and blog owners started using FluentCRM to automate their Email Marketing with FluentCRM. This is a great pleasure for our team and we continue working on it to make it better in every cycle. In the last 20 days, We have released 6 feature updates with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This is our 7th update and all the features and improvements are requested by our great community and we are so excited to working with them in the future too.

Let’s have a quick look of the feature updates in version 1.1.3

  • TutorLMS Integration
  • The funnel Benchmark issue has been fixed
  • Added RTL support
  • Bulk Email Sending Memory issue has been fixed
  • Added Duplicate Automation Feature
  • Added More Hooks for 3rd Party Developers
  • Improvement on Big Lists for email sending
  • Oxygen Builder Compatibility issues fixed

TutorLMS Integration

Since version 1.0.0 we had integrations with LearnDash and LifterLMS. Now in this version, We released TutorLMS. So in WordPress space, no matter what LMS plugin you use you can use that with FluentCRM.

Tutor LMS integration with FluentCRM 1.1.3

Added RTL support

We don’t have lots of users from RTL-based language countries, maybe a few. But we think we should definitely provide support to these languages. Now all our modules will support RTL-based languages, including the powerful email builder.

FluentCRM 1.1.3 supports RTL texts languages

Improved Automation Action/Benchmark

We have refactored the automation processes and now it will work more fluently. We have improved the reporting too. One of the biggest improvement, We did in this version and that is, You can create list or tags right from funnel automation flow.

You can also send test email from custom email action in Automation Flow builder. Our team is working on multi-path funnel and IF/ELSE and we are hoping that will be released end of this quarter.

Duplicate Automation Feature

Sometimes, You just need to replicate a long funnel and building from scratch is so time consuming. Lots of customers asked to make it easier. Now, you can clone a funnel with a single click and make required changed the existing funnel.

FluentCRM 1.1.3 duplicate automation

Oxygen Builder Compatability

Oxygen builder is a great page builder plugin and it’s a developer’s choice page builder. We had some styling issues for frontend pages and in this update, We have fixed that. ❤️ for Oxygen

Internal Performance Improvement

Performance is one of the top priority for us. Every feature we work on, We make sure, It will not slow down your site or break things. We worked with an agency who already send 1 million+ emails in last 3 weeks and we did many improvements for those type of big lists in previous updates. When processing that amount of emails or contacts, sometimes it was taking much server resources to process those. In this update, We have improved the i/o and some SQL queries to minimize the impact on server resources.

More Hooks for 3rd Party Developers

We are working with many 3rd party developers to bring more integrations. In last 3 weeks, We have now 16+ integrations and few more plugin authors are working on integrations from their side to integrate with us. We have added more action and filter hooks. Please check the API doc on github if you interested to learn more.


What’s Next?

Our goal is to make email marketing and automation easier and accessible for small or mid-size businesses. We want to provide tools that will help these businesses to make the marketing easier and cost-effective and at the same time, maximize the conversion rate and revenue.

We will keep working and make it better in every dev-cycle. As a customer-focused company, We hear every suggestion or recommendation or even complains and work with them to make our products better.

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  1. Sean Stark Avatar
    Sean Stark

    Would love integration with WPLMS plugin.

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