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new email deliverability rules for google and yahoo

Google and Yahoo’s New Email Deliverability Rules: Here’s How You Prepare Before February 2024

Listen up, bulk emailers – the email marketing game is about to get real! In October 2023, Gmail and Yahoo dropped a bombshell update – turning once-recommended practices into must-follow rules for email marketing. The major focal points of these policies are the following: And, the rules are set to be put into practice from…

email sender reputation

All About Email Sender Reputation: Definition, Impact, How to Check and More

Let’s get straight to the fact: as human beings, we all carry biases, and how we treat someone often depends on the reputation they uphold! It may sound harsh, but it’s the reality, isn’t it? In fact, it’s more accurate to say that reputation operates as a compass in any form of communication. And when…

mobile optimized emails design

13 Do’s and Don’ts of Creating Responsive Mobile-Optimized Emails (Tips + Bonus)

Put yourself in a digital marketer’s shoes: in the early 2000s, desktops ruled, and mobile-optimized emails seemed like a distant concern. Fast forward to 2023 – the game has changed. Smartphones have largely taken over the digital landscape, and like everyone else you surely heard of the term – mobile responsive design. Therefore, your emails…

fluentcrm year in review 2023

FluentCRM Year In Review 2023: The Future is Here!

The time has come. 2023 is coming to an end and it’s time to look back at a wonderful year of beautiful accomplishments. In 2023, we have made some major advancements toward making FluentCRM a fully-fledged CRM. And with 35,000+ businesses trusting FluentCRM as their go-to CRM, we look forward to 2024 with some hot…


Let’s Welcome FluentSnippets: A Secure, Fast, Native Plugin to Add Custom Codes to Your WordPress Site

Do you know what’s the best thing about being involved with WPManageNinja? For me, it’s seeing our wizards solve complex and sometimes necessary WordPress problems that no one dared to address. It’s seeing the company giveaway some much-needed solutions —for free! Before us, no one thought it would be possible to do email marketing in…

improve email click through rate

14 Guaranteed Ways to Improve Email Click-Through Rate

These days people’s attention span is decreasing and it has become increasingly challenging for email marketers to convince them. Hence, businesses are failing to achieve a good email click-through rate and losing conversion opportunities.  A high email CTR means- So it’s important to master the techniques of improving email CTR and overcome the impediments of…

email automation definition and tools

Getting Started with Email Automation: Definition, Tools and More

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the process of successful communication is the key, and email automation is at its core. For example, think of ads that run on their own, precisely responding to client behavior, delivering personalized messages, and generating engagement at the right time. Amazing isn’t it? We’ll go deep into the…

discount email examples

13 Professional Discount Email Examples to Inspire Your Next Sales Campaign

Despite rapid technological progress, email marketing remains the unbeatable method for maintaining direct and effective communication with the audience. Offering discounts and unique promotions with email marketing proves to be a great approach for attracting new clients, rewarding loyal customers, engaging, and increasing sales.  Creating an excellent discount email template not only drives engagement but…

jose luis duron's entrepreneurial journey

Jose Luis Duron: From a Radio Station Manager to an Entrepreneur and Business Consultant

Back in the early 2000s, Jose Luis Duron was working as a radio station manager in Honduras. At that time, online business wasn’t very popular in that part of the globe. However, Jose still felt their radio station needed a website and ended up developing one using FrontPage (a website builder by Microsoft). When people…