demographic segmentation in marketing

Demographic Segmentation in Marketing: Definition, Tips, Tricks, and Examples

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This world has nearly 8 billion people, each with unique tastes, preferences, thoughts, personalities, and other characteristics. Isn’t that the most beautiful aspect of humanity?

However, when it comes to marketing your product or ideas, this diverse human nature frequently puts businesses at a disadvantage. Marketers and business owners often struggle to figure out how to approach a diverse audience!

This is where the effectiveness of market segmentation comes into play!

While there are many different types of segmentation, demographic segmentation is one of the most common and useful ones. And in this article, we’ll try to cover every aspect of it.

So, read this blog to improve your understanding of demographic segmentation and learn about the best practices for your business.

Let’s get started!

What is demographic segmentation in marketing?

Demographic segmentation is the process of dividing a large market into specific groups based on demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education, occupation, marital status, and others.

More specifically, demographic segmentation is a segmentation technique that focuses solely on the apparent traits of the individuals who willingly shared them with you. And by reaching each group differently, you can create more personalized and effective marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

Suppose you own a company that sells high-end watches. Now, if you want to run your business efficiently, you must first and foremost consider a few factors. Given that you’re selling luxury watches, wouldn’t it make sense to target people with a certain income level?

Furthermore, you may have both ladies’ and gents’ watches. Therefore, wouldn’t it be suitable to segment your market based on income and gender for better results? Well, this type of segmentation is known as demographic segmentation.

It goes without saying that demographic segmentation is a powerful marketing strategy and nothing beats this strategy if you run an online business and use email marketing as your primary marketing channel!

For example, as an online clothing retailer, you might want to segment your email marketing campaigns by gender, sending different styles and promotions to men and women. You can divide your email list into age groups and send different promotions to younger and older customers as well.

In contrast, if it’s a technology company, it’s best to target your social media ads at younger, more tech-savvy people who are more likely to be interested in the newest gadgets. 

Why demographic segmentation is important for your business?

Any marketing strategy relies on segmentation. In fact, how well you segment your contacts determines how effectively your business will perform, whether offline or online.

Demographic segmentation, in particular, can completely change the landscape of your business and set you apart from the competition. It’s a blessing in many ways, including improving and building relationships with customers, effectively converting leads into prospects, and ultimately ensuring better ROI.

Here are some of the advantages of demographic segmentation:

Demographic segmentation in marketing: Advantages and benefits of demographic segmentation
  • Better understanding of customers: Demographic segmentation assists you in better understanding your customers by providing data like age, gender, income, and other attributes. This data can be used to develop targeted marketing messages and promotions for a particular clientele.
  • Personalization: You can personalize your advertising and communication efforts to fulfill the requirements and preferences of specific customer groups. 
  • Improved product development: By recognizing the needs and preferences of different customer groups, demographic segmentation can assist businesses in developing new products or improving existing ones. For instance, a business that targets older adults might create product pages with larger fonts for better visibility.
  • Effective use of the lead funnel: You can quickly determine where your customers are in the lead funnel and communicate with them accordingly with the help of demographic segmentation.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Businesses can boost customer loyalty and promote repeat business by offering personalized marketing messages and promotions.
  • Efficient use of resources: Demographic segmentation can assist businesses in concentrating their resources on the most profitable customer segments, lowering marketing costs. 
  • Increased ROI: It goes without saying that demographic segmentation with better targeting and lower costs will significantly increase your ROI.
  • Competitive advantage: Businesses can acquire an edge over rivals by using demographic segmentation to better understand the needs of particular customer groups.

Read: The benefits of customer segmentation

Demographic segmentation variables

There are numerous demographic segmentation variables to choose from, and selecting the right one is critical for effective market segmentation. You can identify and target niche markets that are most likely to be interested in your goods or services by carefully choosing the demographic factors that best fit those markets.

Here’s a quick rundown of the top five demographic variables that are frequently used:

Demographic Segmentation in marketing: variables of demographic segmentation


Different age groups have unique demands, preferences, and tastes, and they may react to your marketing messages differently. As a result, age is always one of the most important variables in demographic segmentation.

The age variable allows you to divide your market into age groups such as teenagers, young adults, middle-aged adults, and seniors. You can also categorize them by generation, such as Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, or Generation Z.


Another important demographic variable in marketing segmentation is gender. Men and women commonly have different needs, tastes, and purchasing habits. When shopping for clothes or accessories, women may emphasize features such as style, design, and color, whereas men may target functionality and quality.

Furthermore, gender stereotypes and cultural standards can affect purchase perceptions and mindsets toward products or brands. As a result, marketers usually employ gender segmentation to develop targeted messaging and product offerings.

Income level

People from various income levels have varying levels of purchasing power and liking. As a result, ignoring this variable may cost you in the long run and undermine the effectiveness of your entire marketing campaign. Segmenting your market into different income groups, such as low-income, middle-income, and high-income consumers, can be a wise strategy in this case.

Education level

A person’s education level demonstrates the level of education they have attained, such as high school, college, or graduate school. This factor can be used to divide a market into various education levels. Basically. it can be crucial in sectors like technology, finance, and healthcare where consumers with higher levels of education may have different needs and preferences.

Marital status

Whether or not a person is married can have a significant impact on the marketing strategy. When it comes to industries like home goods, travel, and financial services, where married and single customers may have distinct requirements and tastes, marital status may be employed to segment markets into various marital status groups.

The variables mentioned above are the most common and widely used demographic segmentation variables. But there are also other factors. Let’s take a look at them quickly –

  • Ethnicity and religion: Ethnicity and religion are demographic factors that describe a person’s cultural background and beliefs.
  • Occupation: This variable refers to an individual’s line of work, such as healthcare, education, or finance.
  • Family structure: This factor refers to the number of people living in a household and is especially relevant for businesses that sell products or services to families.
  • Homeownership: This variable denotes whether a person owns or rents their home.
  • Language: This variable refers to an individual’s primary language.

Keep in mind that the variable you should use is entirely dependent on the nature of your business. Select demographic variables that are pertinent to your field, as well as variables that are likely to result in significant differences in customer behavior.

Real-life examples of effective demographic segmentation in marketing

Let’s look at some real-world examples of marketing campaigns that used demographic segmentation to effectively reach and engage their intended audience. These examples range from Coca-Cola’s campaign aimed at teenagers to LinkedIn’s campaign aimed at recent college graduates. They demonstrate how demographic segmentation may be utilized to create successful advertising efforts.

Age-based demographic segmentation

While Coca-Cola aims to reach a wide age range with its marketing efforts, some of them are particularly directed at teenagers and young adults. For instance, the “Share a Coke” campaign, began in Australia in 2011. It was intended to appeal to younger consumers.

Demographic segmentation in marketing: Example of Coca-cola

This campaign involved replacing the traditional plastic wrap around the Coca-Cola bottle with personalized Coke bottles containing people’s names. The campaign’s goal was to foster a more intimate relationship with consumers and to encourage shared moments of joy.

Gender-based demographic segmentation

The “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign, which was aimed at women of all ages, was introduced by the personal care company Dove in 2016. A forensic artist named Gil Zamora created two sketches of the same woman in the advertisement, one using her own self-description and the other using a stranger’s.

Demographic segmentation in marketing: example of DOVE

The campaign’s goal was to challenge women’s perceptions of their own beauty while also encouraging self-confidence and a positive view of themselves.

Income level based demographic segmentation

Rolls-Royce, the premium car brand, introduced a campaign called “Black Badge” in 2015, targeting customers with high incomes. The campaign included a series of short films that highlighted the uniqueness and elegance of the Black Badge vehicle line.

Demographic segmentation in marketing: Example of Rolls-Royce

The campaign’s goal was to attract consumers who were willing to pay a higher price for a high-end vehicle.

Education level based demographic segmentation

LinkedIn, a professional social media platform, introduced a promotional campaign called “The Graduates” in 2019 that prioritized recent college graduates. The campaign was to highlight LinkedIn’s job search and networking attributes to new grads looking to begin their careers.

Demographic segmentation in marketing: Examples of linkedin

Through collaborations with universities and employers, the campaign was promoted through digital ads, email marketing, and social media promotions.

Marital status based demographic segmentation

In 2018, American Express initiated a marketing campaign aimed at married couples named “Together 24/7.” The campaign included a series of short films that depicted real-life stories of married people who had to confront financial difficulties together. 

Demographic segmentation in marketing: Examples of American Express

The campaign was created to highlight American Express’s commitment to assisting couples in achieving their financial goals and building a secure financial future.

How to use demographic segmentation in marketing

A lot of commitment, creative thinking, and rationality will be needed to set up demographic segmentation. There is no one-size-fits-all approach; rather, it is determined by the nature of the business and your analytical abilities.

How to use demographic segmentation in marketing?

Here are some general guidelines for creating an effective and targeted demographic segmentation:

  1. Conduct market research: You can better understand your market, estimate its size, and set a potential target for your business by conducting market analysis and examining your competitors’ strategies. Furthermore, it will give you a general idea of where you can find your target audience and how to approach them. 
  1. Define your target audience: Now is the time to take a closer look at your target audience’s demographics. Investigate further to determine who they are and what their main priorities are. Remember that this step is important in deciding your demographic channel.
  1. Choose which demographic variable you want to use: After defining your target market and target audience, the most important step is to determine the segmentation variable. You decide which demographic variable you will use to segment your audience here. The types of your business and the information you gathered in the previous steps will help you choose the best variables.
  1. Choose the right channels: Now it’s time to get down to business! Different groups of people use various forms of media. Older generations, for example, may prefer traditional media channels such as television, whereas younger generations are more likely to use social media. Understanding these distinctions will assist you in selecting the best channels to reach the people you want.
  1. Create personalized messaging: Once you’ve determined your target audience, demographic variables, and preferred marketing channel, it’s time to craft marketing messages that address their precise needs and interests. Use words and pictures in a way that is relatable to them and reflects their demographics.
  1. Use data to track and measure success: Utilize data to monitor the success of your marketing initiatives. Analyze metrics such as website traffic, click-through rates, and conversion rates to decide which tactics work and which need to be improved.
  1. Stay up-to-date with demographic trends: Demographic trends are constantly shifting, so staying up to date on updated research and insights is critical. This will allow you to fine-tune your marketing strategies so that they remain relevant and effective.
  1. Be ethical: Finally, try to be ethical when employing demographic segmentation in your marketing strategy. Make sure your marketing messages are inclusive and respectful of all groups, and refrain from making assumptions or stereotypes based on demographic characteristics.

You can easily and successfully implement demographic segmentation in your business by following the tips listed above. However, before you implement this segmentation strategy, we recommend that you consider the following disadvantages:

  • Overgeneralization: One of the most significant problems of demographic segmentation is the risk of overgeneralization. Demographic characteristics are only one aspect of a person’s identity, and assuming that all members of a particular demographic group will have the same tastes or habits can be deceiving.
  • Changing demographics: Demographic characteristics change over time. As a result, companies must update their segmentation strategies on a regular basis to ensure that they remain relevant and effective.
  • Lack of data: In certain circumstances, businesses might not have access to enough data to effectively segment their audience based on demographic traits. 
  • Data privacy concerns: For some customers, the collection and use of demographic data may raise privacy concerns. Companies must be transparent about how they collect and use customer data while also adhering to privacy regulations.
  • Limited insights: Although demographic segmentation can be helpful in understanding the needs and preferences of customers, it may not completely grasp their behavior or motivations. Businesses may need to employ extra segmentation techniques, like behavioral or psychographic segmentation, in order to truly understand their customers.

Best practices for demographic segments-based email personalization

Demographic segmentation is a powerful technique for use in email marketing campaigns. However, in order to make the best out of it, you must follow the proper procedure and adhere to best practices.

Here are some pointers on how to use demographic segmentation in email marketing:

  • Choose the right automation tool: There are numerous email automation tools available, so it’s critical to select one that includes the features you require. Look for a tool that lets you segment your email list based on demographics and create targeted email campaigns.
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  • Analyze your data: To identify the demographics of your audience, start by examining the data from your email subscribers. You can use data from sign-up forms or surveys to learn about your subscribers’ age, gender, location, and interests.
  • Segment your email list: Once you’ve gathered this data, segment your email list based on the demographics of your target audience. You could, for example, create segments for various age groups, genders, or geographic locations.
  • Personalize your emails: Personalize your email content using the information you’ve gathered. Use the recipient’s name in the email and personalize the content to reflect their interests or preferences. For example, if you’re aiming for a specific age group, you could include content that is relevant to their life stage or interests.
  • Use targeted subject lines: When your subscribers open your email, the first thing they will notice is your subject line. Use specialized subject lines that speak to the interests or requirements of the target demographic. This will assist in increasing open rates and engagement.
  • Create relevant content: Create email content that is noteworthy to the demographic group you are attempting to reach. This could include personalized product recommendations, educational content, or special promotions based on their interests or needs.
  • Create automated workflows: Create automated workflows that are specific to the demographic segments you are attempting to reach. For example, you could create a workflow that sends a welcome email to new subscribers in a specific geographic location.
  • Test and measure: Email campaigns, like any other marketing strategy, should be tested and measured for effectiveness. To decide which demographic groups are responding best to your emails, use metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

Wrapping Up

Demographic segmentation is a powerful marketing technique that can help businesses recognize their customers better and create targeted marketing campaigns that attract a targeted audience.

This blog was our small attempt to cover the basics of demographic segmentation and how you can use demographic segmentation in your campaigns with maximum effect.

Hopefully, now you’ll be able to use your demographic data to craft a solid marketing campaign. If you’re already using a particular demographic segment data that are producing results for you, let us know in the comment section!

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