fluentcrm 2.5.93

FluentCRM 2.5.93: Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes

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Hey folks, the wait is over!

Yes, we’re back with an update again, and this one includes some improvements as well as bug fixes.

So without further ado, let’s get to FluentCRM 2.5.93!

Improved scheduled campaigns

How often do you schedule your email campaigns?

If you depend on campaign scheduling often, you’ve surely noticed that scheduled campaigns do not take newly added contacts into account. For example, if you’ve selected a database of 2000 contacts, FluentCRM will only send the scheduled campaign to those 2000 contacts.

As a result, newly added contacts do not receive the campaign email.

fluentcrm email campaign scheduling

In this version, we’ve restructured the campaign scheduling feature. As a result, FluentCRM will detect and add relevant contacts to the scheduled campaign. Moreover, you’ll experience a 2x faster experience while creating email campaigns.

Bug fixes

Although our last version update marked a lot of new features and improvements, some of the features stopped working after that. Fortunately, we’ve solved most of them in this update. Here are the highlights:

Fixed: country name filter not working in advanced filters

The country name filter helps you find contacts for a specific country. In the last version, the country name filter stopped working. But no more!

In this update, we’ve fixed the country name filter, and it’ll work just as before.

Fixed: custom field update on CSV import

FluentCRM offers many easy ways to import contacts. But that doesn’t mean that the CSV import feature is any less important. Unfortunately, some users reported that custom fields weren’t being updated when they were trying to import contact data via CSV files.

We looked into the issue, and now your custom fields will surely update using CSV!

Fixed: WP User metadata is not updating

Since FluentCRM is based on WordPress, many users depend on updating WP user metadata in order to keep the database updated. Unfortunately, FluentCRM stopped synchronizing with WP user metadata in the last update, which we fixed in the latest release.

Fixed: contact exclude filter not working in email campaigns

Again, many users use the contact exclude filter to filter out contacts they don’t want to send the campaign to. So they had problems when this feature stopped working in the last version. With this update, we’ve fixed the issue, and the contact excludes filter is back to work!

Fixed: MailerLite contact import issue

Have you been trying to make a switch to FluentCRM from MailerLite?

If you have been trying to do so, then you may have noticed that FluentCRM is only importing 100 contacts from MailerLite. In this version, we’ve fixed the issue with MailerLite contact import and now it’ll work just as it should!

Fixed: WP Ultimo Conflict Issue Resolved

If you use WP Ultimo in your Multi-Site network then FluentCRM is now 100% compatible with it.

Wrapping up

That’s about it. Though it’s a minor update, we’ve improved and fixed a few much-needed features. So we hope that you’ll get a better experience after updating FluentCRM, and we wish to be back again soon!

By the way, if you like our efforts, don’t forget to rate us 5-star on the WP repository(it means a lot!)

If you haven’t tried FluentCRM yet, go ahead and give it a try. You’ll surely love it!

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