13 excellent black friday marketing strategies

13 Excellent Black Friday Marketing Strategies That Work for Every Business

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Black Friday isn’t just another sale — it’s the Super Bowl of business, where businesses either make their mark or get lost in the noise.

Black Friday Marketing Strategies: Meme

But here’s the good news: you don’t need to scream for attention. You just need the right black Friday marketing strategies that actually work.

Think about it: what makes you stop scrolling and say, “I should buy that”?

That’s the trick we’re discussing today. We’re here to focus on the strategies that get real results, no matter the size or type of your business.

Ready to turn Black Friday into your biggest win yet? Let’s get into the game plan.

Why Black Friday Marketing Strategies Are So Important?

Black Friday isn’t just any Friday — it’s the Friday. The day after Thanksgiving when shoppers are ready to grab the best deals of the year. This year, Black Friday lands on November 29th, 2024, so mark your calendar because it will be big.

why shoppers shop on black friday

Over 87% of people take part in shopping during the Black Friday – Tidio

That makes it the biggest shopping event in the U.S. — a massive opportunity for every business, no matter what you sell or how big (or small) you are.

But why is having a solid Black Friday marketing strategy so important?

Here’s the deal:

  • It’s the perfect chance to clear out old inventory
  • You’ll attract new customers who might stick around long after the sale
  • Perfect time to build lasting brand loyalty
  • High conversion rates are driven by urgency and limited-time offers
  • It’s a great time to grow your email list and social media following
  • Plus, it gives your website traffic and SEO rankings a serious boost
  • And don’t forget the golden opportunity for upselling and cross-selling

In short: Black Friday isn’t just about sales — it’s about setting your business up for long-term success.

13 Effective Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Revenue

Black Friday isn’t just about slashing prices; it’s about smart strategies that drive results.

Whether you’re a local shop or a global brand, these 13 marketing tactics are your blueprint to :

  • stand out
  • connect with shoppers
  • boost sales like never before

Let’s cut to the chase and get started!

Set a Target and Then Start!

Before jumping into your Black Friday marketing, it’s important to set clear goals that guide your efforts. Think of it like mapping out a plan—knowing exactly what you want to achieve will help you focus and make smarter choices.

Whatever your goal, setting it ahead of time ensures your marketing efforts are pointed in the right direction.

Here’s why defining your goal is essential and how it shapes your strategy:

  • Decide if your focus is boosting sales, increasing brand awareness, building loyalty, or clearing out inventory
  • Set measurable goals such as increasing sales by 20% or gaining 1,000 new subscribers to track success
  • Your goal shapes your tone, whether it’s creating urgency for quick sales or nurturing long-term relationships

When your target is well-defined, your Black Friday campaign becomes more focused and effective, making it easier to reach your ideal audience and achieve success.

Prepare & Promote Early

black friday example:Prepare & Promote Early

“The early bird catches the worm” is specially true, when it comes to Black Friday, timing is everything. While there’s no actual race, starting early can give you a huge advantage. The sooner you plan and promote, the better your chances of winning over-eager shoppers.

Here’s why getting ahead of the game works:

  • You build momentum and excitement around your offers
  • It gives you extra time to fine-tune your message and strategy
  • You can gather valuable feedback from your audience and adapt as needed
  • Starting early can create a sense of anticipation
  • It builds trust with customers who know you’re prepared

Since Black Friday falls on the last Friday of November (29 November this year), aim to make your presence felt by October. Start sending out black friday email campaigns and teasing promotions early to maximize your impact.

The bottom line? The earlier you start, the better your results will be.

Promote Your Deal on All Social Media

Black Friday is the perfect time to get your deals in front of as many eyes as possible. Your audience isn’t just on one platform, so why should your promotions be?

To get the most out of your efforts, make sure you’re spreading the word across all social media channels.

black friday deal promotion on social media

Here’s how to make sure your deals get noticed:

  • Create eye-catching images and videos that showcase your offers
  • Plan out your posts across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and any other platform where your customers are active
  • Short, engaging content like Instagram Stories or TikTok videos can create excitement and drive quick actions
  • Take advantage of trending topics and popular hashtags to increase visibility
  • Don’t just post and forget. Reply to comments, answer questions, and keep the conversation going
  • Make sure your emails are designed for mobile-optimization

By spreading your promotions across every platform, you’ll increase your chances of catching customers wherever they’re scrolling.

Optimize Sites for Mobile Devices

Over 70% of shoppers use their phones to buy online- Semrush

Here’s a fact: most of your customers will be shopping from their phones on Black Friday. And if your site doesn’t work seamlessly on mobile, you’re basically telling them to shop somewhere else.

Ouch, right?

So how to mobile optimize your site to skyrocket your revenue in this deal season:

  • Make sure your website loads quickly on mobile phones
  • Use big buttons and a simple menu that’s easy to touch and navigate
  • Set up a one-page checkout with easy-to-fill forms; add options like Apple Pay for fast payments
  • Check that your site works well on different mobile devices and screen sizes
  • Keep text clear and images sharp; avoid anything that slows down your site

Let’s be real — on Black Friday, no one has time for a clunky website. Your mobile site should be lightning-fast, effortless to browse, and super simple at checkout.

Bottom line: if you’re not optimizing for mobile, you’re leaving money on the table.

Make Your Site Easy to Skim Through

Ever landed on a website that felt like a maze? You’re not alone. But make sure your black friday audiences don’t relate with you this way.

Let’s face it: Black Friday shoppers don’t have time to waste. They’re scrolling fast, hunting for the best deals, and if your site isn’t easy to navigate, they’ll bounce.

The good news?

You don’t need a complex overhaul—just a few tweaks to make your site a breeze to skim through. 

Let’s break it down.

  • Create an easy-to-use communication channel for your customers
  • Make sure your website is mobile and tablet-friendly
  • Match your site’s design with your Black Friday theme
  • Check and improve your site’s loading times
  • Build a streamlined sales funnel for a hassle-free shopping experience
  • Offer different payment methods and shipping options

And it’s even better if you could add a live chat option so that your customers can seek help whenever they want.

But the most important is loading time!

Early Discounts and VIP Offers

black friday example:Early Discounts and VIP Offers

Just imagine how glad you will feel if somebody treats you like a VIP.

Exactly, make your customer feel special like that.

So, start your Black Friday campaign with early discounts and VIP offers to set the stage for a successful sale. By offering exclusive early bird discounts, you create a sense of urgency and anticipation among shoppers. 

This approach not only rewards loyal customers but also:

  • Incentivizes early purchases
  • Brings more traffic
  • Helps to avoid the last-minute rush.

VIP offers, on the other hand, cater to your most dedicated customers, making them feel valued and appreciated. This can include special early access to deals or unique promotions just for them. 

By starting your promotions early and targeting your VIPs, you maximize engagement and set the tone for a memorable Black Friday.

Personalized Recommendations

Companies can generate as much as 40% more revenue from personalization- Mckinsey

Not only that around 76% of customers are disappointed when they don’t get personalized recommendations. The more personalized recommendations you have to offer, the better output you expect to get.

The more tailored your offers, the better your results.

Here’s how you can start personalizing recommendations in a simple, effective way:

  • Use data to understand what your customers like
  • Segment your audience based on behaviors or preferences
  • Offer product suggestions based on past purchases
  • Personalize emails with names and relevant content
  • Use geographic segmentation recommendations for targeted offers
  • Leverage customer feedback to improve recommendations
  • A/B tests different approaches to find what works best

When you focus on personalizing the experience, you’re not just selling a product, you’re meeting their needs exactly how they want you to.

Engage with Fun Games

Did you know that around 60 million people globally struggle with gaming disorders?

But let’s set that aside for a moment and consider something exciting: who doesn’t enjoy a good game? This could be your chance to attract more visitors to your site or shop!

Consider running engaging games or contests where participants can win fantastic discounts or exclusive offers. It’s a great way to drive traffic and boost customer engagement.

You could also add a social referral element—encourage your players to invite friends to join in. People are social creatures, and adding a personal touch to your interactions can make them more meaningful for them, profitable for you.

By integrating games and social sharing, you’ll not only capture attention but also build stronger connections with your audience.

Implement Abdnoned Cart Recovery Strategies

Abandoned cart recovery is a goldmine for boosting sales, and it’s easier than you might think. Yes, it hurts when your customer leaves you along with your products.

But the reality is- cart abandonment will never be 0%.

Good news is: The recovery cart has some extra benefits like increased loyalty, repeat business, increased lifetime value, etc.

Abandoned cart automation funnel made with FluentCRM
Here’s an example of FluentCRM‘s abandoned cart automation template that e-commerce businesses can use to recover lost carts.

Now, before you start to apply this automation, consider taking a few steps to recover your lost carts:

  • Start by sending a friendly reminder email to encourage them to finish their purchase
  • Offer a little nudge with a special discount or free shipping
  • Make the experience smooth and hassle-free
  • Offer free shipping or discount a percentage off the total charge

By keeping your communication engaging and offering incentives, you’ll have a better chance of turning those abandoned carts into successful sales.

If you need more foolproof effective abandoned cart recovery strategies, check out this blog!

Run Retargeting Ads

Not every shopper will buy on their first visit. But does that mean you’ve lost them? Absolutely no!

Retargeting ads are a powerful way to bring those visitors back and turn them into buyers.

Here’s how it works: when someone visits your site but leaves without making a purchase, retargeting ads remind them of the products they viewed.

These ads show up across their favorite websites, social media, or apps, keeping your brand and offers top of mind.

Why retargeting works:

  • Reconnect with potential buyers who showed interest but didn’t convert
  • Personalized ads help nudge customers back by showing them what they’ve already browsed
  • Boost conversion rates by targeting those most likely to buy

With well-placed retargeting ads, you can turn missed opportunities into successful sales. So, don’t give up on your customers from now on!

Apply Last-Chance or Extended Black Friday Deals

black friday example: Last chance offers

Imagine: Black Friday is almost over, and the clock is ticking!  Shoppers are rushing for those last few deals, so now is your chance to capture their attention with a final push.

Highlight your last-chance offers and let your customers know they have just a little bit more time to snag those unbeatable deals.

To implement this effectively:

  • Promote your last-chance deals or extended sales with a sense of urgency and excitement
  • Craft an engaging email that emphasizes it’s their final opportunity to grab amazing Black Friday deals
  • Add a special discount or free shipping to sweeten the offer and encourage immediate action
  • Ensure that the checkout process is smooth and quick to make their purchase as easy as possible

By highlighting urgency and offering tempting incentives, you’ll turn hesitant shoppers into satisfied customers. Don’t let this chance slip away—make your final push count!

Keep Them Engaged Till Cyber Monday

If Black Friday is the grand opening act, then Cyber Monday is the thrilling finale of your holiday sales event. Just as a concert’s excitement builds as the night goes on, keeping the buzz alive until Cyber Monday can turn a successful Black Friday into a sales powerhouse.

Why should you maintain the excitement?

  • First, extending your offers helps capture those who couldn’t shop on Black Friday or who are still waiting for the perfect deal
  • Second, ongoing engagement keeps your brand fresh in customers’ minds and builds anticipation for what’s next
  • Finally, creating a sense of urgency as Cyber Monday approaches can drive those final sales and boost your revenue

By treating Cyber Monday as the grand finale, you maximize your sales opportunities and ensure your holiday promotion ends on a high note.

Quick Note: In this scenario, it’s important to carefully choose eye-catching and effective Black Friday email subject lines to keep them engaged till Cyber Monday.

Black Friday is more than just a sale—it’s your chance to shine. By using smart, effective strategies, you can stand out, engage your audience, and maximize your sales. From setting clear goals to extending the excitement through Cyber Monday, each tactic plays a part in creating a seamless, profitable experience for your customers.

Remember, it’s not just about making quick sales but building long-term relationships that last beyond the holiday season.

So, are you ready to make this Black Friday your most successful one yet? Apply these strategies, and watch your business thrive during the biggest shopping event of the year!

Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions you might be looking for answers to:

Black Friday marketing strategy is the planning and execution of promotions to boost sales and engage customers during the Black Friday shopping period.

The best Black Friday strategy is to offer early discounts and start promoting your products ahead of time. Email marketing works really well for this. You can use FluentCRM to set up a well-timed and sequenced Black Friday email campaign.

Black Friday is a one-day sale event, which has gone to a four-day event nowadays. Sometimes Black Friday sales last even a month and end on Cyber Monday.

The best time to start your Black Friday sale is in early November to attract eager shoppers and build excitement for the big day. But, it’s smart to begin promoting from the middle of October.

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