550+ Email Spam Trigger Words to Avoid: Keep Your Mails Out of the Spam Folder [+ Alternatives]
“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”
– Philip Kotler
From the quote of Philip Kotler, the father of Digital Marketing, we can clearly understand the importance of “unhappy customers”. But again, as long as they are ‘customers’.
So, you want to engage with your clients but again, you don’t want to spam their mailbox and lose them forever. Do you?
If your answer is No, let’s take a look at what you can do to keep your mail out of the spam folder and keep your ‘customer’ as ‘your customers’. And the easiest way of all is to write an email without spam words.
But first, you need to know what spam trigger words are.
Let’s dive in then!
What are Spam Trigger Words?
Spam trigger words are the keywords and phrases that notify email providers (Gmail, Yahoo, Zoho, iCloud, etc) that a mail can be spam. After the email service gets a notification, the mail is sent to the receiver’s spam folder. And then your email is lost in the darkness of the spam folder, forever!
Some of the common email spam words are “free”, “act now”, “get rich quick”, “winner” etc. Though many email marketers use these words frequently, you don’t want to be one of them if you want your mail to reach your customers. Stay with us and find out how to prevent this tragedy from happening to you!
Also Read: Why Do Emails Go to Spam (And How to Prevent It)
Traits Every Spam Triggering Words or Phrase Have
More than 46.8% of emails sent and received in December 2023 were spam! – Statista
It Is never possible to make a comprehensive list of all email spam trigger words or phrases. But the spam-triggering words or phrases have some common characteristics, by which mail can be easily distinguished.
Some of the traits are:
Manipulative Words
While what email marketing requires the most is CTA (Call for Action) for its target customers, overdoing it might make it seem fake. You can take advice from Aesop’s Fables Shepherd Boy’s story and keep it to a minimum. Urging them too much will cause your company’s email marketing KPIs to decrease.
Some words that hold this trait are- Urgent, Act now, Immediately, etc.
Outlandish Claims
Email marketing contains the key idea that ‘you have to sell your product’. But you should know the difference between selling and overselling. Claiming something improbable will only result in mistrust.
Some words with this common trait are- Once in a lifetime, Reverse aging, Money-back guarantee, No hidden costs, Free money, etc.
Inappropriate Greetings
Every email marketing strategy starts with warming your clients up. While this process is lengthy, you shouldn’t try to make it fast by ‘pretending’ to be their friends. It’s 2024, and customers know you are not their ‘friends’.
When you address your customers ‘Dear’, their mailbox instantly knows you’re lying. Therefore, try to avoid- Dear, Hello (with no name included), etc words as greetings.
Needy and Spammy Subject Lines
Being reliable is the first rule of thumb to be a good marketer. You may end up in the spam box if you are overly polite or needy to your recipient or email provider. So, rather than using ‘please open this mail’, ‘click here’, and ‘can we have a moment of your time?’ try to be honest and concise.
Words that Say Your Email Isn’t Spam
No liar ever says he is a liar. So why would an email say it is ‘not spam’ if it is not spam?
So, rather than using ‘Not spam’, ‘Not junk’, or ‘Spam free’, try to let the mail speak for you. This will keep your mail directly crash-landing into your client’s spam folder.
Filtering spam-triggering words helps emails land safely, however, sorting through traits can be tedious. Skip the hassle by avoiding common spam triggers for a quick solution.
To find out, take a quick look!
Types of Spam Trigger Words
Why go through a tiring process when you can avoid certain words and save your emails from being marked as ‘spam’?
We assembled around 550+ spam words below. To make things easier, we’ve neatly organized them into categories, so you can focus solely on the niche that matters to you.
Sales & Marketing

Sales and marketing is the sector that uses the most spam mail, which accounts for 36% of all spam mail around the globe! –Mailmodo
You don’t wanna be another of this 36%, do you? Then, here are a few words you need to skip in your newsletter or your mail.
The spam-triggering keywords in sales and marketing are:
% Satisfied | % | off |
Acceptance | Accordingly | Act |
Now | Affordable | All |
New | As | seen on |
Auto email removal | Avoid | Bargain |
Be amazed | Bonus | Brand new pager |
Bulk email | Buy | Buy direct |
Buying judgments | Cable converter | Call |
Call free | Call now | Can’t live without |
Cancel at any time | Casino | Celebrity |
Chance | Claims not to be selling anything | Clearance |
Click | Click below | Click here |
Click to remove | Compare | Compare |
Compare rates | Compete for your business | Copy accurately |
Copy DVDs | Deal | Direct email |
Direct marketing | Do it today | Don’t delete |
Don’t hesitate! | Dormant | Email harvest |
Email marketing | Explode your business | F r e e |
Fantastic deal | For just $(insert whatever amount) | For Only |
Form | Free | Free consultation |
Free DVD | Free hosting | Freedom |
Get | Get it away | Get it now |
Gift certificate | Give it away | Guarantee |
Guaranteed | Have you been turned down? | Have you been turned down? |
Here | Hidden | Home |
Increase sales | Increase traffic | Increase your sales |
Incredible deal | Internet market | Internet marketing |
It’s effective | Join millions | Join millions of Americans |
Laser printer | Leave | Lifetime |
Lifetime access | limited time | Limited time offer |
Long distance phone offer | Lose | Luxury car |
Mail in order form | Maintained | Marketing |
Marketing solutions | Mass email | Medium |
Member | Miracle | Month trial offer |
More Internet Traffic | Multi level marketing | Never |
New domain extensions | No age restrictions | No cost |
No disappointment | No gimmick | No inventory |
No middleman | No obligation | No purchase necessary |
No questions asked | No selling | No strings attached |
No-obligation | Notspam | Now |
Now only | One hundred percent free | One hundred percent guaranteed |
One time mailing | Online marketing | Open |
Opportunity | Opt in | Order |
Order now | Order shipped by | Passwords |
Performance | Print form signature | Print out and fax |
Priority mail | Prize | Prizes |
Problem | Produced and sent out | Promise you |
Quote | Quotes | Removal instructions |
Remove | Reserves the right | Reverses |
Rolex | Sale | Sales |
Sample | Satisfaction | Save $ |
Save big money | Search engine listings | Search engines |
See for yourself | Serious only | Shopping spree |
Sign up free today | Solution | Stainless steel |
Stop | Strong buy | Stuff on sale |
Subscribe | Success | Teen |
The best rates | The following form | They’re just giving it away |
This isn’t a scam | This isn’t junk | This isn’t spam |
This won’t last | Undisclosed recipient | Unlimited |
Unsolicited | Unsubscribe | Urgent |
Vacation | Vacation offers | Visit our website |
Warranty | We hate spam | We honor all |
Web traffic | Weekend getaway | While supplies last |
While you sleep | Who really wins? | Will not believe your eyes |
Win | Winner | Winning |
Won | You are a winner! | You have been selected |
% free | Accept credit cards | Access |
Ad | Amazing | Auto email removal |
Being a member | Best price | Billing address |
Bulk email | Cancel at any time | Cannot be combined with any other offer |
Cards accepted | Dear [email/friend/somebody] | Dig up dirt on friends |
Direct email | Direct marketing | Email harvest |
Email marketing | Free gift | Free leads |
Free preview | Free sample | Free trial |
Full refund | Get started now | Gift certificate |
Give it away | Great offer | If only it were that easy |
Important information regarding | Increase traffic | Info you requested |
Information you requested | Internet market | Internet marketing |
Maintained | Marketing | Marketing solutions |
Mass email | Member | Member stuff |
Message contains | Message contains disclaimer | MLM |
Multi level marketing | Multi-level marketing | Name brand |
No catch | No disappointment | No hidden |
Not intended | Obligation | Offer |
Online marketing | Order status | Please read |
Safeguard notice | Satisfaction | Satisfaction guaranteed |
Search engine listings | Search engines | Sent in compliance |
Solution | Special promotion | Supplies are limited |
Talks about hidden charges | Tells you it’s an ad | Terms and conditions |
The following form | This isn’t junk | This isn’t spam |
Trial | We hate spam | Web traffic |
Weekend getaway | As seen on | Bargain |
Be amazed | Bonus | Buy direct |
Buying judgments | Call | Call free |
Can’t live without | Cheap | Claims not to be selling anything |
Clearance | Click to remove | Collect |
Compare rates | Compete for your business | Deal |
Don’t hesitate! | Explode your business | F r e e |
Fantastic deal | For just $(insert whatever amount) | For Only |
Free DVD | Free hosting | Get it now |
Guarantee | Guaranteed | Have you been turned down? |
Increase sales | Increase your sales | Incredible deal |
It’s effective | Join millions | Join millions of Americans |
Lifetime | limited time | Limited time offer |
Long distance phone offer | Mail in order form | Money back |
New domain extensions | No cost | No gimmick |
No inventory | No middleman | No obligation |
No questions asked | No selling | No strings attached |
No-obligation | Now | Now only |
One hundred percent free | One hundred percent guaranteed | Opportunity |
Order shipped by | Problem | Promise you |
Quote | Quotes | Sale |
Sales | Save $ | Save big money |
See for yourself | Serious only | Sign up free today |
Strong buy | Stuff on sale | Success |
The best rates | They’re just giving it away | This isn’t a scam |
This won’t last | Unlimited | Urgent |
Warranty | We honor all | While supplies last |
While you sleep | Will not believe your |
Which Words Can You Use as Alternatives in Sales Mail?
Email marketing is crucial for Sales, and it’s tough to write a mail without using any of these words. But, it is not impossible. For example:
- Instead of %, $, use ‘percentage’, ‘dollar’
- Try to use ‘Reasonable’, and ‘On the house’, as alternatives to ‘cheap’, ‘free’, ‘No cost’, etc spam words.
- Instead of ‘Call’ you can use ‘Contact’ as an alternative.
The simplest tip of all, you can always use synonyms. This will not only keep your mail out of the spam folder but also will give your email a unique brand tone.

While ‘sales’ aims to expand the organization’s customer base, ‘ finance’ focuses on profitability.
Additionally, financial communication walks a tightrope between compelling and spammy. While the focus on profitability makes financial terms inherently persuasive, it also makes them vulnerable to spam filters.
Some email spam words you need to skip are:
#1 | $$$ | Additional income |
Apply Online | Avoid bankruptcy | Be your own boss |
Beneficiary | Big bucks | Billion |
Billion dollars | Calling creditors | Cash |
Cash bonus | Casino | Cents on the dollar |
Check | Check or money order | Collect child support |
Consolidate debt and credit | Consolidate your debt | Cost |
Costs | Credit | Credit bureaus |
Credit card offers | Discount | Double your |
Double your income | Earn | Earn $ |
Earn extra cash | Earn per week | Easy terms |
Eliminate bad credit | Eliminate debt | Expect to earn |
Extra income | Fast cash | Finance |
Financial freedom | Financially independent | For free |
For just $xxx | Free grant money | Free investment |
Free money | Get out of debt | Get paid |
Hidden assets | Hidden charges | Home based |
Home employment | Home Based business | Income |
Income from home | Investment | Investment decision |
Leave | Loans | Lower interest rate |
Lower interest rates | Lower monthly payment | Lower your mortgage rate |
Lowest insurance rates | Make $ | Make money |
Million | Million dollars | Money |
Money making | Mortgage | Mortgage rates |
Multi-level marketing | Nigerian | No credit check |
No fees | No investment | Off shore |
One time | Online biz opportunity | Only $ |
Pennies a day | Potential earnings | Pre-approved |
Price | Prices | Print form signature |
Profits | Pure Profits | Refinance |
Refinance home | Refinanced home | Risk free |
Save up to | Serious cash | Social security number |
Stock alert | Stock disclaimer statement | Stock pick |
Subject to cash | Subject to credit | They keep your money – no refund |
Thousands | Unsecured credit | Unsecured credit/debt |
Unsecured debt | US dollars | US $ |
Why pay more? | Winner | Winning |
Work at home | Work from home | Your income |
Which Words Can You Use as Alternatives in Finance Mail?
If you read the ‘Sales and marketing’ section in this article, you will see spam words from ‘sales and marketing’ are very similar to the spam words used in the ‘ finance’ section. But using alternatives to these email spam-triggering words in the finance sector is tricky.
But, we have not one, but a few tricks for you! Those are-
- try a few approaches such as using synonyms
- Instead of ‘work from home’ you can use remote job’
- Instead of ‘stock Alert’, ‘Stock-Pile’ etc. stock related words, mention the scenario and statistics of the stock market of that day, or month
- always hyperlink in the stats
This will make your email more believable and definitely out of the spam folder.

With e-commerce, anybody can shop from home while casually surfing through Netflix. This convenience is a goldmine for business.
But, the goldmine might just backfire to black-hole by crash landing in a spam box if you are not careful enough about the word choice in your mail!
Some email spam words you must avoid when it comes to e-commerce mail are-
Buying judgments | Clearance | Confidentially on all orders |
Internet marketing | Order | Order status |
Order today | Orders shipped by | Orders shipped by |
Orders shipped by shopper | Outstanding values | Sample |
shopper | Wants credit card | Will not believe your eyes |
Winning | Winner | What are you waiting for? |
While supplies last | You have been selected | You are a winner |
You are the winner!!!! |
Which Words Can You Use as Alternatives in E-commerce Mail?
We all agree on the part that e-commerce is nothing less than a goldmine when it comes to business. But you consider keeping it as a goldmine for your organization or company, you better start using alternatives of the spam triggering words. For example:
- Rather than saying ‘Will not believe your eyes’, try to use ‘Spectacular’, ‘Amazing’, ‘Incredible’ etc words.
- Instead of ‘As seen on’ try using ‘Recommended by’, ‘Featured In’ etc, and always try to present your product with client’s reviews.
- As an alternative to ‘Order’ and the other words related to ‘Order’, try to use ‘Purchase’
- Instead of using words like ‘lottery’, ‘Winner’ try saying ‘Giveaway’ and try to hint toward an impartial selection process.
And there is another strict reminder that- Never ever ask for a credit card number directly. Show them other payment options and let them choose. Following these tips will not only increase reliability but also build a long-term connection.

Healthcare is a booming industry and so is the spam email related to the healthcare industry.
Health-related spam is the second most common which is around 27%! – National Library of Medicine
You want your ‘Patients’ or ‘Customers’ to be constant to you, not to be ‘Driven away’ by too much spamming.
Check these as spam trigger words, and next time when you send your clients any mail, consider avoiding these:
Anti-aging formula | CURES BALDNESS | DIAGNOSTICS |
Eradicate cancer now | FAST | Human |
Growth hormone | Insurance Lose weight | Instant pain relief |
Life | Lose | Lose weight fast |
Medicine | No medical exams | No age restrictions |
Online pharmacy | Removes wrinkles | Reverses aging |
Revolutionary diet | Secret formula | Stop |
Xanax | Weight Spam | Weight Loss |
snoring | Valium Viagra | Vicodin |
Which Words Can You Use as Alternatives in the Medical Sector Mails?
Okay, so get it in your mind very clearly. Your clients need service, not false hope. So, don’t give them anything unrealistic.
But what can you do? Don’t worry, we have a remedy for you. Try using the alternative solution stated below-
- In place of email spam triggering words like- ‘Reverse aging’, ‘No age restrictions’, ‘Eradicate Cancer now’, ‘Growth Hormone’, ‘Removes wrinkles’, ‘Secret Formula’, give them personalized solutions or tests based on their medical history.
- Rather than suggesting ‘online pharmacies’, you can extend your service by mentioning ‘Home delivery’ of required meds or tests
- In the case of ‘Life’, ‘Human’ etc words, your target is human, that is why you are mailing them. No need to remind them that they are human.
- Try to mention specific medicines instead of just saying ‘Medicine’
Following these tips will guarantee your emails land in inboxes. About fostering trust and growth in the healthcare industry – it all hinges on your exceptional service.

As the legal field is surging digitally, online resources and consultations are making legal help accessible. This creates a large potential client pool for lawyers, but competition is fierce. Some resort to tempting tactics like misleading subject lines or “guaranteed win’.
But this backfires in the trust-based legal world. Spam lands in inboxes and damages reputations. So, to save your law firm or organization’s mail reputation, try to skip the words listed below-
Buy direct | Claims | Claims to be in accordance with some spam law |
Claims to be legal | Certified | Clearance |
Collect child support | Confidentiality | Home mortgage |
Loans | Lower interest rate | Lower interest rates |
Lower monthly payment | Lower your mortgage rate | Lowest insurance rates |
Lowest interest rate | Lowest rate | Lowest rates |
No hidden fees | No interest | No investment |
Which Words Can You Use as Alternatives in the Legal Sector Mail?
Every legal firm can not be another ‘Better Call Saul’ and you don’t have to be. Just building clear communication and trust is more than enough to create a surge of clients.
Try to follow the points below to skip the spam words:
- instead of ‘Lowest insurance rates’, try using ‘Competitive Insurance’, ‘Get Affordable Coverage’ etc phrases
- In the case of ‘No hidden fees’, you can use ‘Transparent Pricing’, or ‘Upfront Costs’. This will build trust and credibility.
- In place of ‘Lower monthly payment’ try to use ‘Affordable Options’, or ‘Budget-Friendly Plans’.
- Instead of ‘Claims’ use ‘Features’, or ‘Benefits’ that need to be backed by data.
- In case of the spam word ‘Certified’, try to use ‘Accredited’, ‘Trusted’, or ‘Recognized’ and use a relevant authority as a reference.
And, always be clear about your service and back it up with data and legal documents. This will not only keep your mail out of your client’s spam box but also create a safe space between you and your client.
Current Events

Knowing about current events lets us stay Informed, and build diverse Perspectives: They can offer a curated selection of news from various sources -giving you a broader picture, and are extremely convenient when they are directly delivered to mailboxes.
But it won’t have even the slightest impact when the newsletters go to the spam box, in place of your inbox!
So, you might want to skip these words listed below, if you wish to reach the client’s inbox:
Cash Prize | Click right away! | Just for selected few |
NEW PRODUCT ALERT!!! | Private island giveaway | SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! |
Which Words Can You Use as Alternatives in Current Event Newsletter/ Mail?
In today’s digital world, information bombards us constantly. But while avoiding spam is important, staying up-to-date on current events is just as crucial. But which words can you use as alternatives? The answer is given below:
- In place of ‘cash prize’, you can mention ‘exclusive Offers’
- ‘Click right away’ is a very inefficient term. In place of ‘click right away’, say clearly what is your CTA (call for action). You can always direct them to your website, by saying “Learn more’ and hyperlink ‘learn more’.
- For any urgency or anything else ‘SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!’, try to explain through one lined subject that presents the danger of skipping your mail.
Following the steps will help you to write a current event newsletter that doesn’t contain email spam trigger words.

Who isn’t curious about the latest scientific discoveries? Human beings are curious by nature.
This is why most of us sign up for Science newsletters. But, often the recipient’s spam folder is swapped by this sort of newsletter. You might end up losing your subscribers if all your mail goes to their spam folder.
To save your mail from landing up in spam folder jail, try to avoid these words-
Act Now | Breakthrough | Miracle |
Revolutionary | Guaranteed | Secret Formula |
Risk-Free | Instant Results | Unlimited |
Cure | Exclusive Offer |
Which Words Can You Use as Alternatives in Science Newsletters?
In the case of a science newsletter or mail, your recipient wants genuine information. So, giving them impossible click baits will result in mistrust in email provider service, and boom! Your mail lands in the client’s spam folder.
Therefore try following the steps below
- Instead of ‘Miracle’, ‘revolutionary’, etc spam words with words like ‘Amazing’, ‘Innovative’,’ Radical’, etc words.
- As a replacement for email spam triggering the word ‘Risk-free’, try to use, ‘Minimal Side Effects’,
- Use ‘Potential solution’ as a substitute for ‘secret formula’.
- Try to replace ‘Instant result’, and email spam triggering words with ‘Rapid Effect’, ‘Long Lasting Results’, etc words.
This will let the recipient know about your intention, service and research more clearly. At the same time, this will help to build a community of loyal subscribers.

A Few ‘Must Do’ to Keep Your Mail Out of Customers Spam Folder
Just skipping the spam-triggering word in your mail is never enough. A few more must-do will secure your mail’s position in the recipient’s inbox. Those are-
- Don’t send mail without their permission
- Optimize for mobile
- Avoid subjects with spam-triggering words
- Check up on your sender’s reputation and spam score
- Don’t send too many emails
- Send targeted and relevant content
- Keep an unsubscribe option
- Send personalized mails
- Maintain a clean email list
- Use a reputable email service provider (ESP)
- A/B test your subject lines
And, definitely Track your results. Keep track of your email open rates, unsubscribe rates, click rates, and click-through rates. These data can help you identify areas where you can improve your email marketing efforts.

Keep Mail Out of Spam Folder with Stealth and Precision- Like a Ninja
Armed with this knowledge, we can guess, you’re now a spam-free email writer/ maestro. But, remembering 550+ spam words every time you write an email can be tough!
So, here’s a solution: Bookmark this blog. The next time you compose emails, open it up and take suggestions. Alternatively, you can use a tool like Mail Tester to check your email copy score. It’ll help to decrease the email bounce rate and keep your emails away from spam folders.
Moreover, by applying the alternatives you’ll learn the secrets to outsmarting spam filters and ensuring your inbox remains a haven for legitimate emails.
So, grab your metaphorical shuriken and prepare to dodge the spam folder!
Frequently Asked Questions
Before wrapping it up, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about email spam triggers.

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