Imagine this: you spent one dollar on marketing, and the campaign brought a return of $42! Hard to believe, right?
But with email marketing, it’s not just a possibility; it’s a reality!
And here comes question number two; can you afford to overlook such a profitable opportunity?
Well, we highly doubt it! In fact, you might be here in search of the easiest and most effective way to kickstart email marketing! And, in this case, our suggestion is to start your email marketing journey with a top-notch email marketing book.
However, here arises another question! With so many options out there, how do you choose the best one?
Don’t worry! We’re here to help! Just scroll down to discover our list of the best email marketing books.
Why read email marketing books?

If you type email marketing into your search engine, you will find tons of learning resources. There are many simple methods available, such as YouTube, blog posts, and so on.
So, what’s the point of reading an email marketing book?
Well, here are your answers:
- Best for beginners: If you’re a beginner in this arena, understanding the basics of email marketing is a must for you! And when it comes to strengthening your knowledge base or kickstarting your learning, nothing can beat the impact of a good book.
- Expand email marketing knowledge: If you already have an email marketing strategy in place, it’s crucial to keep improving it to stay ahead of your competition. And, a good email marketing book will help you in this regard by expanding your knowledge base.
- Better than blog posts: Things keep changing in the world of email marketing. And it’s quite tough to explain all of these changes in a video or a blog post! Besides, looking for useful and relevant content can be exhausting and time-consuming. And, In this case, email marketing books are the ultimate solution.
- Make the best use of your email marketing tool: There are various email marketing tools available in the market to ease your job. But, to make the best use of these tools, you need a strong foundation. And what better way to guarantee this than with a book?
- Access anytime: Email marketing books can offer you long-term wisdom. Whether you’ve forgotten something or want to refresh your knowledge, you can access them at any time.
Attributes to consider while choosing an email marketing book

Have you ever seen a child begin to walk?
Essentially, it is their effort, and they learn it on their own. But their parents are always there to help and motivate them!
And, when it comes to learning email marketing, a book should play the exact role of a guiding parent to a child. It should be –
- Easy to digest: Email marketing books should assist you without detracting from your enthusiasm for the subject. It should be easily digestible as if you were drinking a glass of water!
- Relevant: There’s no point in wasting time on a book filled with irrelevant information. That’s why a good email marketing book should be concise, relevant, and straight to the point!
- Practical: As we all know, practical wisdom is more vital than theoretical. That’s why email marketing books that are more practical are preferable. Who keeps their textbooks on the list of their favorite books?
Email marketing books worth reading in 2024
Making a list of the best email marketing books is a difficult task. There are countless choices with undeniable attributes. Don’t worry; we’ve done the research for your convenience and compiled a list of the best email marketing books!
E-mail Marketing for Dummies by John Arnold

Old is gold, and Email Marketing for Dummies by John Arnold is a gold mine for those just getting started with email marketing. Isn’t it amazing that it’s still undeniably efficient despite being in print for 15 years?
John Arnold wrote this unique piece in 2007. It is unnecessary to emphasize how much this book has exhibited during its existence. It has changed, evolved, and continues to be one of the greatest email marketing books available!
After reading E-Mail Marketing For Dummies, you’ll be in a position to –
- Build a high-quality email list using the correct list-building tactics
- Improve email deliverability using the appropriate emailing methods
- Know email marketing rules and regulations
- Create and implement an effective email marketing strategy
- Learn to compose professional-looking, engaging emails
- Create email marketing strategies that do not violate current laws
- Combine email marketing with other forms of marketing
- Craft and deliver emails that place you above your competitors
The New Email Revolution by Robert W. Bly

Despite spending hours watching videos on email marketing, you might not be able to come up with a successful email marketing strategy. This is where The New Email Revolution by Robert W. Bly comes in. This book teaches the readers to come up with an email marketing strategy even when they can’t find one!
Robert W. Bly is an American writer and copywriting expert. This book was published in 2018 and is easily one of the top email marketing books. After reading The New Email Revolution, you’ll be able to:
- Examine a variety of appropriate email templates for diverse scenarios
- Encourage recipients to read and reply to your emails
- Learn when to send an email and when not to
- Create profitable, engaging, and convincing email templates
- Find out the factors that are jeopardizing your email marketing strategy
- Determine the overall success of your email marketing campaign.
Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White

What’s better than listening from an expert who spent years researching the area you would like to learn about?
Chad S. White, the author of Email Marketing Rules, has been working for Litmus since 2005. This might not be an ideal option especially if you are a beginner. But if you are a mid-level or advanced specialist, Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White is a must-read!
After reading Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White, you’ll be able to:
- Determine the most appropriate campaign goals by analyzing various metrics
- Determine the best sources of new subscribers
- Use proper permission procedures and manage inactive contacts wisely
- Create relevant messaging by using effective subject lines, attractive design, and accurate targeting
- Make your messages more automated
- Create highly engaging subscriber journeys
- Create solid workflows to reduce errors and speed up production.
This book is easily readable and fantastic for both novices and experts. It highlights the fundamentals of email marketing and gives you 104 ideas for your newsletter.
104 Ideas for Your Newsletter is a disguised blessing that will make your job easier and save you time. It is a short book, only 220 pages long. You can take it with you wherever you go.
And after the completion of this book, you will-
- Learn the most effective methods for acquiring subscribers and growing your contact list.
- Learn how to gather relevant contact data and use the data to compose marketing emails
- Create ideas to introduce the topic and connect the readers
- Learn about the most effective email marketing tools
- Compose beautiful newsletters by gathering ideas from 104 fantastic newsletter ideas
Email Marketing Mastery by Tom Corson-Knowles
Tom Corson-Knowles is an expert in email marketing. He has compiled all of his experience and composed Email Marketing Mastery to help the newcomers.
Email Marketing Mastery by Tom Corson-Knowles is a comparatively tiny but excellent book that covers the fundamentals of email marketing. This book is ideal for novices who want to understand how email marketing works and get started right away. However, this book will also help skilled email marketing professionals advance their expertise.
Email Marketing Mastery will help you to –
- learn the fundamentals of email marketing by following step-by-step tutorials
- Create strategies for increasing your return while decreasing your investment
- Become an expert in analytics and boost your sales
- Boost your revenue by effectively growing your business
- Choose the most cost-effective autoresponder
The world of email marketing is like an ocean. If you are eager to swim in this ocean, you need to learn the fundamentals before getting into it. We hope that our list of the best email marketing books will be a helpful resource for you on this exciting journey.
If you want to dive deeper into email marketing, consider reading our beginner’s guide to email marketing or take an email marketing course online.

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