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what is lead generation in digital marketing

What is Lead Generation in Digital Marketing?

Business strategy and methodology have evolved significantly over time. In fact, if the fire is the best human invention that has changed the course of human life, then constantly changing business psychology is the key that keeps evolution running!  Expectedly, lead generation has also evolved in tandem with business philosophy. But what is lead generation…

fluentcrm 2.6.52

FluentCRM 2.6.52: New Visual Builder Features and More!

You didn’t see this coming, did you? Everyone is busy with their Black Friday campaign, and so are we. But just as we told you last week, we’ll never forget our users regardless of the situation! Introducing FluentCRM 2.6.52, another cool update to improve your WordPress marketing automation experience! So, without further ado, let’s explore…

Cloudflare or Security Plugin Compatibility

FluentCRM is built on top of WordPress REST API and depends on CRON jobs and REST API endpoints. Please read the docs carefully and implement associate actions if your FluentCRM is not sending emails or getting errors in different FluentCRM actions. FluentCRM URL Structures: FluentCRM REST API URL Base: FluentCRM also uses a few…

customer segmentation benefits why you must segment your customer

The Benefits of Customer Segmentation for Your Business

As your business grows, so does your customer database. But if you can’t track who’s buying what and what they might be interested in buying next, all your marketing efforts will go in vain! This is where customer segmentation comes in. It’s a lengthy task with a lot of possible effort. However, the results are…

why lead generation is important for your business 100 1

Why Lead Generation is Important for Your Business?

“Without lead generation, your business will be pretty dead in a short period of time.” Marco Cirillo Lead generation is the foundation of operating a business. Convert your leads into prospects and your prospects into customers; if not, regret it! Yes, that is the entire game! But why is lead generation important for your business?…

we miss you emails, re-engagement emails

5+ Best We Miss You Emails to Re-engage Inactive Customers Like a Pro

Every relationship requires nurturing. Customer relationships are no different. In order to keep your customers engaged with your business, you need to maintain communication and nurture them at every stage of their lifecycle. However, regardless of how hard you work to build an everlasting relationship, it’s natural for some customers to become inactive at some point. What…

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10 Email Frequency Best Practices for 2024

Every email marketer understands the value of email marketing, but most struggle to find the right frequency of sending emails. Send too many emails and the unsubscribe rate increases. Send too few emails, and subscribers will forget about you. So, if you’re asking how often you should email to preserve your subscribers’ interest without annoying…

Custom Automation Condition

Automation is magic and FluentCRM is the magician. But anyone can be part of this. Following some steps, anyone can be part of this magic. In this article, we will show you, how you are able to add a custom condition in automation. Condition Conditions are essential for initiating email marketing automation. There are a…