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Custom Automation Benchmark/Goal

Automation is magic and FluentCRM is the magician. But anyone can be part of this. Following some steps, anyone can be part of this magic. In this article, we will show you, how you are able to add a custom benchmark/goal in automation. Benchmark/Goal Benchmarks are essential for initiating email marketing automation. There are a…

email marketing vs newsletters

Email Marketing vs. Newsletter: What’s the Difference?

Email marketing and newsletters often go hand to hand. These two terms are often so misjudged that one might confuse one with another. Although the procedure of developing and sending emails or newsletters is the same, they have their differences. If you want to run engaging marketing campaigns efficiently and on time, you must understand…

fluentcrm 2.6.0

FluentCRM 2.6.0: More Features, Improved Integrations and More!

No more teasing; it’s here! We know you were waiting for another update, and we couldn’t keep you waiting any longer. The major release of FluentCRM 2.6.0 brings you many more user-requested features, improved integrations, improvements, and bug fixes! So without further ado, let’s find out what FluentCRM 2.6.0 has to offer! Ready? Let’s begin!…

best email subject lines for sales prospecting

50 Email Subject Lines for Sales Prospecting

Due to its incredible capacity to connect with prospective consumers directly, email marketing has become the most efficient method of gaining an increasing number of new prospects. And when it comes to sales prospecting, email subject lines play a key role! Email subject lines dictate how your emails will be treated. However, writing an effective…

fluentcrm 2nd anniversary

Celebrating FluentCRM’s 2nd Anniversary – What’s New and What’s Next?

Oh, Hey! Thanks for stopping by. We just celebrated FluentCRM’s birthday this weekend —it turned 2 on October 1st! What a wonderful journey it has been. Bringing my dream into reality, experiencing incredible growth, having a wonderful user community, and competing with the big boys of the customer relationship management software arena…it’s been fabulous, fantastic…fantabulous!…

black friday email campaigns to boost your holiday sales 100 (1)

7 Proven Black Friday Emails and Tips to Boost Your Holiday Sales

Black Friday is undoubtedly one of the biggest blowout shopping days of the year. It’s the time of the year when e-commerce brands try to maximize their holiday revenue. Chances are that you’re already trying to come up with your unique Black Friday marketing ideas. And if you are, you’ll surely prioritize email marketing over…

customer retention emails best practices

5+ Effective Customer Retention Email Examples: Easy Customer Retention Strategies

Customer acquisition is quite costly these days. New customer acquisition requires more money, effort, and time. As a result, most businesses shifted their focus to customer retention these days. However, customer retention isn’t as easy either. The second your customers don’t feel validated, they’ll start looking for alternatives. So how can you do this? No,…

getgenie review

GetGenie Review: How Good is The New AI Content Assistant?

Traditional content writing approaches are changing. Instead of writing content from scratch, many website owners now prefer to have AI assistance to save time (and money!) These days, AI-powered writing assistants are getting popular due to their capability to generate in-depth content. However, many of them can only generate write-ups, while others can act as…

best email marketing softwares for affiliate marketing 100

7 Best Email Marketing Software for Affiliate Marketing in 2023

Convincing someone to buy something is difficult, especially if you are an affiliate marketer. And it gets even harder when you are not using the right email marketing software.  You don’t want to end up choosing an email marketing tool that doesn’t allow affiliate marketing. At least, not after going through all the trouble of…