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Basics of Automation Actions

Actions are the most important parts of FluentCRM Automation as these are the tasks or works we want FluentCRM to do for us automatically. Let’s get started with the actions and see their capabilities in detail. Identifier Before we dive deep into automation actions let us get introduced to some basics of them as an…

12 tips for writing email like a boss 100

12 Tried-and-True Tips for Writing Email Like a Boss!

Billions of people use email as a medium for their daily communication. As a business owner, it’s natural that you’d also want to get the most out of it. But what about the competition you’ll inevitably face? Want to outperform the competition and get the most out of email marketing? —Write an email like a…

Form Field Code Structure

Fluent CRM has a cool structural format for generating form fields. Using this structural format anyone can make a form without writing any HTML or JavaScript. The form fields will depend on the structural format. There are several types of form fields in Fluent CRM and all those have almost the same structural format. There…

email marketing vs marketing automation

Email Marketing vs. Marketing Automation: 5 Key Differences Explained

If your business needs marketing automation and you depend only on email marketing, that’s enough to halt your business’s growth. Then again, there’s no point in spending extra bucks on marketing automation if email marketing is enough for your business. Email marketing and Marketing automation are part and parcel of online marketing and often overlap….

Primary Actions

Once Automation is triggered it’s time to add actions to the automation that will do some advanced, tedious, or automatic tasks for us. There are plenty of automation tasks available in the FluentCRM that we can add to automation and let it run even when we are not present or working on the website. In…

Email Sequence

An email sequence is a series of emails automatically sent to specific contacts(subscribers) when they opted in or purchase something or based on other activities. With FluentCRM you can use sequential emails when creating a Funnel. Create New Email Sequence From Emails ➜ Email Sequences, To create an email sequence, Hover over Email Campaign and select Email Sequences….