Advanced Features Settings

FluentCRM offers another Advanced Features Configuration under the Global Settings tab where you will find different advanced settings that you can enable or disable anytime as per your needs. This article will guide you through the process of using this Advanced Features Configuration.

Advanced Features Configuration #

To learn how to use Advanced Feature Configuration, follow the steps with screenshots below accordingly – 

First, go to Settings from the top right corner of the FluentCRM Navbar and click the Advanced Feature Config settings option.

You will now get the advanced settings options inside the Advanced Features Settings page. These are:

  • Quick Contact Navigation
  • Campaign Archives
  • Date & Time Format
  • Navigation
  • Company Module
  • Disable AI?
  • Multi-Threading Email Sending
  • System Log
advanced features configuration settings fluentcrm

A detailed explanation of the Settings mentioned above is given below – 

Quick Contact Navigation #

It’s a little navigation bar at the bottom of your contacts. You can make a direct call or mail from this navigation bar. Also, you can go to the next and the previous contacts from here.

To activate it, simply enable the Quick Contact Navigation checkbox inside the Advanced Features Settings page. 
Then, you must click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.

quick contact navigation

Here is the Preview of Quick Contact Navigation.

preview of quick contact navigation

Campaign Archives #

Campaign Archives is a feature that will allow you to archive your existing campaigns and show them on your webpage. You can archive a maximum of 50 campaigns to your webpage.

To learn how to archive Campaigns on the front end, follow the steps with screenshots below – 

From the Advanced Features Settings page, enable the Campaign Archive Frontend Feature checkbox and a popup will appear. Now, from the popup section copy the Shortcode.

Also, you can filter the campaigns by the keywords that match the title of your campaign. Plus, you can set the number of your campaign list where you can add a maximum of 50 campaigns.

Once you are done, click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.

campaign archives

Now, paste the Shortcode into a Page/Post where you want to show your archived emails. You will see the results on your desired web page or you can preview them to see the result.

campaign archives shortcode in a page

You can also Enable the Campaign Archives feature using the Addons section from your Fluent CRM Sidebar.

To learn the process, follow the steps below – 

First, go to the Addons section in your Fluent CRM Sidebar and you will find the Campaign Archives option under the Advanced Modules.

Now click the Settings button and a popup will appear where you need to check the box.
Then, click the Save Settings button to unlock the Campaign Archives features. 

enable campaign archives from addons

Date & Time Format #

This setting allows you to select the date and time format for the CRM plugin according to your needs. There are two formats for FluentCRM to view time in WordPress. These are:

  1. Date Time difference: It will show your FluentCRM campaign, contact, and other times format like (EG: 1 hour ago)
  2. WordPress Default: It will show the exact time of your FluentCRM activity. (EG: 5 January 2023, 14:15)

Once you select the desired date and time format, click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.

date & time format

It will show up on your FluentCRM email campaign, contacts, and other places like this.

preview of date & time format

By enabling this option you will get a full Navigation for this CRM plugin in the left sidebar when you will click on the Fluent CRM from the WordPress Admin Panel.

Once you are done, click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.


Here is the Preview of the Navigation Settings option.

preview of navigation

Company Module #

Enabling the Company Module option allows you to add it to your Contacts section dropdown of the Fluent CRM Navbar. Also, fetch the company logo automatically by providing the website URL of the company.

You can also enable the Company Module feature through the Addons section from the Fluent CRM Sidebar.
To learn the process in detail, click here.

Once you are done, click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.

company module

Here is the Preview of added Company module into the Contacts section dropdown and the Company Logo that is fetched automatically through the Website URL.

preview of company module

Disable AI? #

Fluent CRM has an AI Prompts feature inside the Email Template option for only Image Generation. You will find this option is already enabled which you can Disable anytime by clicking the checkbox.

Once you are done, click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.

disable ai

Here is the Preview of the Image generating AI option which you can disable by clicking the Disable AI checkbox.

preview of disable ai

Multi-Threading Email Sending? #

This setting option allows you to send the emails in a different process which will also make the sending speed around 2X.

To use this feature, ensure your server meets the requirements mentioned in the screenshot for optimal performance.
Once you are done, click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.

multi threading email sending

System Log #

Enable this option, if you want to add the System Log in your left sidebar under Settings. This System Logs are useful for debugging purposes.

Once you are done, click the Update Settings button to save the changes you’ve made.

system log

Here is the Preview of the System Logs settings option.

preview of system logs

If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our @support team. Thank you.

Latest comments (2)

Avatar for N

Hi there. Will archived email campaigns send if it is part of an automation?

I sent a campaign to current users, but want the same email to be triggered for future users. However, after the campaign is completed it is set to archive status. Can an archived email campaign be triggered to send?