Advanced Features Settings

In the FluentCRM setting, you will find out the Experimental features settings. Here is a guideline for these settings.

experimental settings fluentcrm

Quick Contact Navigation  #

It’s a little navigation bar at the bottom of your contacts. You can make a direct call or mail from this navigation bar. Also, you can go to the next and the previous contacts from here.

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To activate it simply go to Settings → Experimental Features → Quick Contact Navigation  → Enable Quick Contact Navigation

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Campaign Archives on Frontend  #

Campaign archives are a feature that will show already sent campaigns on your webpage. You can add a maximum of 50 archived campaigns to your webpage. 

Follow the below steps to campaign archives on frontend

  • Go to Settings → Experimental Feature → Campaign archives on frontend then first enable it. 
  • You can filter your campaign by the keywords of your campaign. 
  • You can set the number of your campaign list and you can add a maximum number of 50 to your list.
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Copy the shortcode from the campaign archived shortcode section.

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Then paste the shortcode on the front end you want to show your archived emails. 

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You will see the results on your web page or you can preview them to see the result.

Other settings  #

Date Time format  #

There are two formats for FluentCRM to view time in WordPress. You can select the time format as you want. This time format is for the CRM plugin.

  • The date time difference will show your FluentCRM campaign, contact, and other times format like (EG: 1 hour ago)
  • Classic will show the exact time of your FluentCRM activity. (EG: 5 January 2023, 14:15)
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It will show up on your FluentCRM email campaign, contacts, and other places like this.

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Latest comments (2)

Avatar for N

Hi there. Will archived email campaigns send if it is part of an automation?

I sent a campaign to current users, but want the same email to be triggered for future users. However, after the campaign is completed it is set to archive status. Can an archived email campaign be triggered to send?