Having a bad day?
Perhaps a few memes can help!

Marketing is often stressful. Figuring out a strategy, creating a plan, and executing it with caution…can sometimes take a toll on your body and mind. But it should not be that stressful.
Every email marketer has their own set of problems, suffering, and drive to get out of them. But a remedy that makes anyone laugh in any situation is funny, relatable memes!
So, if you’re having a bad day, grab a cup of coffee and relax! I’m here with some of the most popular email marketing memes!
20 evergreen email marketing memes
Take a break from the chaos, set aside all of your client’s concerns, forget about your boss, and relax with 20 evergreen email marketing memes. Even if my collection of email marketing memes fails to make you laugh, laugh anyway.
Because a wise old man (Milton Berle) once said –“Laughter is an instant vacation!”
Memes about email spam
I was having coffee with three of my buddies a few days ago. Surprisingly, we were all digital marketers, and this meetup had somehow transformed into a frustration-dumping session! Maybe it happens all the time a group of email marketers gets together, right?
1. When you have to come up with new newsletter ideas every month

As we were discussing many meaningless topics, one of us suddenly asked, “What is your biggest nightmare?” Yes, expectedly, we all replied – spams!
2. Email marketers vs. spam

Okay, let’s put the fun aside for a moment and be realistic! Consider what this email marketing universe would be like if these spam laws didn’t exist. What sets you apart from a spammer?
3. How CAN-SPAM Act keeps mailboxes clean

Due to this, maintaining the CAN-SPAM act compliance and other cyber laws isn’t easy; these are blessings for email marketers like us. Aren’t you a good email marketer?
4. What marketers think about themselves

So, don’t be terrified of it; instead, carefully obey the laws and witness the magic!
Memes about buying email lists
Consider the following scenario: You go to the grocery store and buy a basket of rotten eggs! You paid the money, and you have the eggs, but they are useless!
Isn’t it awful? —Well, the same thing happens when you buy an email list!
5. What it means to purchase email lists

Although purchasing an email list is legal in many nations, that doesn’t imply you should choose that route. Instead, if you want to run a pleasant and effective email campaign, you should strictly restrain yourself from buying email lists.
Don’t jeopardize your entire email marketing strategy in search of a shortcut.
6. How purchased email list harms email campaigns

Establish an email list, no matter how difficult or time-consuming it is.
7. Purchasing vs. building your own email list

Memes about email marketing metrics
Let’s reveal a little secret! How would you spot newbies out of the hundreds of email marketers? Well, they keep complaining about their email marketing metrics!
8. When email marketers don’t earn the expected CTR

Stay calm, buddy; you are not alone. It’s common, and I was also one of them! The only difference is that I’ve somehow stopped whining about it and begun to cope with it!
9. How marketers feel when emails don’t convert

But it wasn’t easy. A lot of sleepless nights got me here!
10. Why email marketers can’t sleep at night

I understand how frustrating it might be when you’ve done everything possible, but there still seems to be no hope. Don’t be discouraged; stay strict on the fundamentals and witness the sun shining!
11. Daily struggle of email marketers

What else do you need? —Well, a great email marketing idea!
Keep in mind that ideas are often awfully timed! It’s similar to rain. It doesn’t appear when you ask for it, but when you aren’t expecting it!
12. Email marketing ideas at 3 AM

The lucky day will come at some point. And what arrives late stays late! Do you know how I look when I get the first click on a campaign?
12. When clients click on your links
My friends claimed I was happy like this, though I don’t trust them!

Memes about the importance of email marketing
Once a tie occurred in a comedy competition final between two contestants, and the judges decided to let them joke once more to break the tie. Tell another joke, make the judges laugh, and you win – it was that easy!
Do you know who took first place? —Well, the person who said – email marketing is dead!
13. Email marketing is dead

I won’t complain if you also believe that pay-per-click (PPC), SMS marketing, and social media marketing will gradually outperform email marketing. People have the right to think whatever they want, no matter how ridiculous, right?
14. Never argue with someone who says “email marketing is dead”

Also read: Email Marketing vs. Social Media
So, think whatever you want to think, but statistics never lie! According to Statista, there were 3.9 billion email users worldwide in 2019! —Yes, a billion with a B, and that’s why many brands are embracing email marketing as their preferred marketing channel daily!
15. How businesses treat email marketing

It’s not just a craze or a trend; brands favor email marketing over others for many good reasons. What else can offer you a 36% ROI?
16. What happens when businesses do email marketing

So, whoever wants to doubt, let them! There are already countless competitions!
Memes about email marketing best practices
Although you struggle to get emails into your clients’ inboxes, we can all agree that email marketing isn’t rocket science. The rewards will follow if you stick to the basics and follow the process.
17. What to do for increasing email deliverability

Clickbaits are great. But don’t let that ruin your primary motive. Even if you manage to fool spam filters, you shouldn’t try to fool your customers. Conversion is what you care about most, not email delivery!
18. Asking customer’s to safelist your email address

So, create a decent subject line, compose a quality email, and personalize your emails with precision!
Memes about Google’s supremacy
This isn’t related to email marketing. But if you think of the internet as a kingdom, Google is the undisputed king. It is the obsession that keeps digital marketers awake at night!
19. Google’s supremacy!

Whether you like it or not, we all know that Google is unavoidable, and you can’t simply ignore it. I hope you’re feeding Google good SEO efforts and keeping your horse from turning into a donkey!
20. What happens when you don’t do SEO

Are you still here?
“Just for today, smile a little more.”
James A. Murphy
Okay, that was our small effort to brighten your day with our email marketing memes. Thank you for reading it through, and I hope you enjoyed it.

I understand that email marketing can be unpleasant at times, but it is also the medium that returns the most! So, don’t be disheartened if it’s not working right now. Simply take a short pause, entertain yourself, recharge your batteries, and start again from the beginning.
The sun will shine again soon!

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