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Cron Job: Basics & Checklist

FluentCRM is a plugin that works continuously in the background to complete and process the tasks that are scheduled every minute like any other Email Marketing Application. This article will guide you through the Primary Requirements of WordPress Cron Job Handover to either Server-side or Alternative Methods. What Cron Jobs Do? Cron jobs are important…

Recurring Campaign

As we have seen in the earlier guides, FluentCRM offers various features to create Email Campaigns with different types of Email templates, Content Blocks, Designs, etc to be sent out to Subscribers. Another great feature of the FluentCRM is that you can send a recurring email campaign at different intervals like Daily, Weekly, or Monthly…

fluentcrm 2.7.0

FluentCRM 2.7: Automated Newsletters, Recurring Campaigns and More!

Another year has passed, and the world has successfully completed another orbit around the sun, but the FluentCRM motto remains the same: ‘become better every day!’ Hello everyone, your favorite marketing automation WordPress plugin is back with a brand new update in the first month of the year. With this version, we attempted to simplify…

best practices for website optimization for lead generation

12 Proven Strategies to Optimize Your Website for Lead Generation

If you’re doing everything possible and following all best practices, but still aren’t getting the expected results from your lead generation efforts, it’s high time to go back to the beginning! Yes, we’re referring to your website, which is where all of your leads end up. It’s possible that while trying to connect all the…

10 email marketing kpis you must track in 2023

10 Email Marketing KPIs You Must Track in 2024

People can lie, but numbers never! That’s why having a thorough understanding of the various key metrics is essential if you want to understand and optimize your email marketing efforts. In fact, you can only understand the right direction by analyzing various key performance indicators for email marketing. While click rate and click-through rate are…

email marketing statistics

Email Marketing Statistics: Updated for 2024

Marketing strategies like social media marketing, video marketing, and webinars are the new craze among present-day marketers. But in that craze, we should never stop utilizing the marketing strategy with the maximum ROI —email marketing. But anything we say about email marketing is just our opinion, right? So, we came up with the numbers because,…

how to use video for lead generation

A Comprehensive Guide to Using Video for Lead Generation

Humans are naturally visual creatures, and videos naturally appeal to and engage people. Therefore, more and more digital marketers are adopting video marketing in their lead generation strategy. Videos can help businesses create awareness, showcase expertise, and build trust. However, producing a high-quality video that entices people to sign up on your website can take…