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Company Module 

In FluentCRM, the Company Module feature organizes contacts to one or more company records. In this company record, you can see company information and the contacts you have added under the company. This article will guide you through the process of using this feature.  One of the notable features of the Company Module is organizing…

email copywriting tips, email copywriting best practices

7+ Email Copywriting Tips & Best Practices for Writing Killer Email Copies

How many emails actually produce a great amount of CTR or sales? Honestly, not many. The average attention span for a human in today’s world is less than 8 seconds. It’s hard to grab people’s attention in such a short span of time, let alone make them click and read your email to make a…

x winning marketing strategies for every businesses (1)

5+ Marketing Automation Strategies to Revolutionize Your Marketing Game

All the marketing efforts you put in for your company might go in vain if you don’t implement the right marketing automation strategies. Guess why? By the time you create or manage a marketing campaign manually, your competitor will have more campaigns up and running using marketing automation. But if you implement the right marketing strategies…

email list management best practises

7 Email List Management Best Practices for Smooth Email Marketing

It goes without saying that email marketing is the most dynamic marketing medium with the highest ROI. And, to get the most out of it, experts have always underlined the need of building an email list! However, simply having an email list isn’t enough; it must also be nurtured!  A poorly managed email list might…

fluentcrm 2.8

FluentCRM 2.8: Company Module, UI Enhancements, and More to Simplify Your Business Operations!

A lot has happened since our last update— WordCamp Asia, WordPress 6.2, our 7th Anniversary…the list goes on! Now is the right time for a product update and we’re back with one. FluentCRM 2.8 will introduce the much-anticipated company module along with amazing UI updates. And that’s not all, we’ve added several other nifty features…

x winning product launch email subject lines to drive more sales (1)

80 Winning Product Launch Email Subject Lines to Nail Your Launch Campaign

There’s no valid point in launching the most magnificent product without anyone knowing, right? If you’re launching a new product, you need to let your targeted customers know about it. And the most efficient way of reaching their doorstep is by sending them a product launch email. No need to mention, a great product launch…

demographic segmentation in marketing

Demographic Segmentation in Marketing: Definition, Tips, Tricks, and Examples

This world has nearly 8 billion people, each with unique tastes, preferences, thoughts, personalities, and other characteristics. Isn’t that the most beautiful aspect of humanity? However, when it comes to marketing your product or ideas, this diverse human nature frequently puts businesses at a disadvantage. Marketers and business owners often struggle to figure out how…

Types of segmentation in marketing

Marketing Segmentation 101: Understanding the Benefits and Types of Segmentation in Marketing

Don’t put all of your eggs in the same basket, as the popular business adage goes; the same can be said when it comes to successfully running an ad or email marketing campaign! Since they differ in taste, behavior, age, gender, and other factors, you simply can’t satisfy every single one of your target audiences…