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How to Segment FluentCRM Contacts Using Dynamic Tags?

How to Segment FluentCRM Contacts Using Dynamic Tags?

Just like most marketing channels, email marketing is constantly evolving. And with the evolved nature of this marketing channel, we simply can’t stress more on the importance of personalization in email marketing. However, it’s not an easy task. You may know that contact segmentation is the key to sending personalized, targeted emails to the right…

Email Campaign Management – Simple Email Campaign Management Tool for WordPress

Email Campaign Management Craft beautiful emails, produce the right message, target the right audience and reach out at the perfect time. Run performance tests, measure every aspect, and decide what to do next! Personalize with precision, convert like a pro, everything from one place! Email Campaigns Made Simple Compose, Send, Convert, And Repeat! Email Writing…

7 Best Email Marketing Software for E-commerce Businesses

7 Best Email Marketing Software for E-commerce Businesses

Being an e-commerce business owner, you already appreciate the power of email marketing. So now you need an email marketing software to grow your e-commerce business that’s easy to use, cost-effective, easily integrates with your favorite e-commerce platform, and will convert your leads into buyers – right? It might seem quite simple, but with so…

All You Need to Know About FluentCRM’s Conditionals in Oxygen Builder

All You Need to Know About FluentCRM’s Conditionals in Oxygen Builder

Most WordPress users are familiar with page builders. If you want to create a webpage without any coding experience, you can get the job done with page builders like Elementor, Divi, Oxygen Builder, etc. They are beginner-friendly and flexible. Why are we talking about page builders in this blog? Because FluentCRM 2.0.2 includes a conditional…

Action Hooks

FluentCRM trigger action hook on different life-cycle of your contact and other modules. Contact Specific Actions Hooks <?php // New contact created do_action(‘fluentcrm_contact_created’, Model $contact); // contact updated do_action(‘fluentcrm_contact_updated’, Model $contact); // contact updated do_action(‘fluentcrm_contact_updated’, Model $contact); // custom fields updated do_action(‘fluentcrm_contact_custom_data_updated’, array $newValues, Model $contact); // Contact added to lists do_action( ‘fluentcrm_contact_added_to_lists’, array $listIds,…

Lists and Tags PHP API

Accessing lists <?php /* * List is a contact segment. */ $listApi = FluentCrmApi(‘lists’); // Get all the lists $allLists = $listApi->all(); // array of all the lists and each list is an object // get a single list $list = $listApi->find(1); // finding the list id 1 // accessing a list $listId = $list->id;…

Contact PHP API

FluentCRM has the following PHP api functions so you can easily add/modify contacts. <?php $contactApi = FluentCrmApi(‘contacts’); /* * Find a contact by Email or Contact ID * You can find a contact by email or contact id (ContactId is not the user ID). * @return: false or Contact Model Object */ $contact = $contactApi->getContact($emailOrContactId);…

Why Should You Create an Online Course?

Why Should You Create an Online Course?

In today’s world, people are heading online for shopping, socialization, dating, and of course, to learn something. Online education is gaining popularity. And during the pandemic, we have seen just how effective it can be. Schools and colleges are conducting their educational activities online, and students are getting familiar with online education. On the other…

The Ultimate Email Marketing Tips for Bloggers

The Ultimate Email Marketing Tips for Bloggers

Blogging and email marketing go together like chocolate and peanut butter or mac and cheese. You can’t deny the strong connection between these two. There’s a thing that you won’t often hear online – a planned email list is much more important than blog traffic for a blogger. Yes, you heard that right! Email subscribers…