WooCommerce Automation with FluentCRM

WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. With FluentCRM‘s WooCommerce integration, you will gain more leverage over your customer relationships & discover new insights that weren’t used before. 

FluentCRM automatically integrates with WooCommerce and lets you automate various tasks including contact creation, segmentation, and marketing automation. Just follow this simple guide to learn how to automate these tasks with FluentCRM!

*Tutorial: Beginners Guide to WooCommerce Email Marketing Automation

WooCommerce Opt-In Checkbox #

Whenever a user places an order from WooCommerce, they can be imported automatically as a subscriber in FluentCRM. But in order to remain compliant with email marketing rules and regulations, you might want to get consent from your users. For that, you can add WooCommerce Checkout Subscription Field to the WooCommerce checkout form.

woocommerce checkout page

To add WooCommerce checkout subscription field, go to Settings>General Settings and choose to Enable Subscriber Checkout to WooCommerce Checkout Page.

general settings fluentcrm 1

Here are the details for the other settings:

  • Checkout Label: Give a label for the checkbox.
  • Assign List: Assign the contacts to your particular contact List.
  • Assign Tags: Assign the contacts to your particular contact Tags.
  • Auto Checked: Enable the checkbox automatically for the customer.
  • Do not show Checkbox: Hide the checkbox for the customer if he is already added in the FluentCRM subscription list.
  • Double Opt-in: Enable double Opt-in email from the contacts.

Contact Segmentation #

FluentCRM also lets you add or remove tags to contacts based on Product Purchases and Refund Requests.

In order to apply tags to contacts, open WooCommerce product editor and click FluentCRM from the product data section. Next, select which tags you want to add or remove when someone purchases your product. You can also do the same when refunds actions happen for the same contact.

product tags in woocommerce

WooCommerce Marketing Automation #

FluentCRM also allows you to automate a wide range of tasks such as sending behavioral emails, email sequences, and many more.

FluentCRM’s email marketing automation includes four major elements. These are:

  1. Triggers: Triggers are essential for initiating email marketing automation. They can be behavior-based, or time-based. Learn more about FluentCRM’s Triggers.
  2. Action Blocks: The actions that will be done throughout the funnel for example sending an email, adding the user to a list, etc. Learn everything about FluentCRM Action Blocks
  3. Benchmarks: Benchmarking the behavior of the users for example whether they purchased a product, clicked into a link, etc. Learn everything about FluentCRM Benchmark Blocks
  4. Conditionals: Conditionals will let you set multiple paths based on if/else conditions. Learn more about FluentCRM Conditionals

At first, from your FluentCRM dashboard & go to the Automations option. Then click on the Create a New Automation button to add an automation funnel.

automations fluentcrm

You will notice a pop-up window appear, where you have to add a suitable Internal Label. And then select WooCommerce from the Category option.

automations triggers woocommerce fluentcrm

From here, you can select one of four available triggers. Currently, available WooCommmerce Triggers are

  1. New Order(Processing) – This will trigger the automation funnel once a new order is placed on WooCommerce for the targetted products, product category or all products.
  2. Order Completed – This will trigger the automation funnel once an order has been marked as completed in your WooCommerce store for the targetted products, product category or all products.
  3. Order Refunded: This will trigger an automation funnel once an order gets refunded for the targetted products, product category or all products.
  4. Order Status Changed: This will trigger an automation funnel when a Order status changes.

For demonstration purposes, we are using the New Order(Processing) trigger. So, this funnel will start once a new order will be added as processing. Click on the Continue button.

automations fluentcrm 1

Next, a pop-up box will appear with some options to set up the funnel automation. Add a Funnel Name & choose the Subscription Status, you can choose from Subscribed, Pending & Unsubscribed. If you choose the Pending option, the contacts will join as pending contacts and FluentCRM will automatically send an opt-in email.

In the Conditions section, choose for which products this automation will run using the Target Products option. You can also keep it blank to run to any product purchase. With Target Product Categories, you can select from which product category the automation will run.

Choose the Purchase Type for what type of purchase you want to run this funnel. There are three options; Any type of purchase, Only for first purchase & From 2nd Purchase. Click the Save Settings button when you’re satisfied with the trigger configuration.

triggers condition

Action Block

Actions blocks are tasks that you wish to trigger from your side. Click on the plus icon on the Automation Funnel page. Then you will notice a pop-up appear with a set of action blocks to choose from.

woocommerce action for triggers

From here, you can choose any type of action block. FluentCRM offers 15 action blocks and two specific action Blocks for WooCommerce marketing automation. Please check our funnel action blocks documentation to find out how to use action blocks.

The specific action blocks for WooCommerce include:

Change Order Status(WooCommmerce Only): This action lets you change the order status in WooCommerce for the contacts within the automation funnel.

Add Order Note(WooCommmerce Only): This action lets you add a Private Note or Notes to Customer in WooCommerce for the contacts within the automation funnel.

Goals/Trigger Block(Benchmark)

Goals/Trigger blocks are goal or trigger items that your user might do. They let you measure these steps and automate the funnel based on goal completion.

Click on the plus icon(+) to open the pop-up for selecting the Goals. For WooCommerce, you can choose Order Received in WooCommerce goal. This trigger block will run once a new order will be placed as processing.

goal action in woocommerce funnel

In this block, you can add an internal label, choose target products, target product categories & Benchmark Type. 

Please check our documentation if you want to use other goals or benchmarks.


If you want to automate different activities based on If/Else conditions, you can choose a condition. For WooCommerce, FluentCRM allows you to automate different activities based on Conditions.

conditions for woocommerce 1

If you want to use other conditionals please check out this documentation.

Product Block(for Email Templates)

FluentCRM also allows you to add products to your email templates with ease. If you’re using WooCommerce, you’ll notice a Product Block. This block lets you automatically fetch WooCommerce products within your email template with a purchase button.

To add a product block for selling your products on WooCommerce, select the Product Block. Next, you’ll be asked to select your product. Choose the product you want to add and hit Done.

Once you have added the product, you can show or hide the product description, price, and colors of your content, content background, etc.

So that’s it for WooCommerce Marketing automation. If you want to get started right away, don’t forget to check out our WooCommerce tutorial below:

*Tutorial: Beginners Guide to WooCommerce Email Marketing Automation

Latest comments (66)

Avatar for Dana

Hi, it’s 2024 already, and reminder 6 months to 2025.
Any news about the cart abandoned feature request?
As an E-commerce Platform, It should provide the cart abandoned feature

Avatar for heinrich taitl
heinrich taitl

hi team, since 2 years, yes since 2 full years i hear every few month that abandond cart trigger is coming in a few weeks. i feel completely screwed. don’t get me wrong, i’m happy with your products, but this way of dealing with promises is shameful.

Avatar for James

Hello Nazir … I think the ideal would be to have FluentCRM running on an external server, like running your own privately owned ActiveCampaign or Drip.

Towards that end, I’m hoping for your feedback about this:

WP Fusion has a REST API connection with FCRM. (I’m sure you are aware of this already.)

Does this WP Fusion REST API connection provide the same deep integration with woocommerce as if both tools were running on the same site?

In this article, you outline a very deep integration with woocommerce, including things like behavioral triggers. I’m assuming that behavioral triggers cannot be configured via the WP Fusion API connection, and that FCRM is required to be installed on the same site in order to use these, correct?

Thank you for your time!

Avatar for Anthea

Hi there,
When i go to select a product in the conditions it says no data found. So i can’t create an automation for the specific products that I want. Can you please help resolve this?

Avatar for Gregor

Hi, I have an eCommerce funnel in Cratflows which uses Woocommerce to process orders. I want to have buyers sent to Fluent CRM. I have tried all that is described above Woocommerce checkout subscription field has been enabled, but unfortunately, it does not appear on the checkout. However, as I understand, this step is not mandatory to have buyers subscribed to your list in Fluent CRM. This can be handled by automation > New purchase sign up – New order (Processing) > Apply list.
Orders appear in Woocommerce orders tab with a status processing, but the contact is not pushed into Fluent CRM. I am setting that up on a Fluent CRM pro.

Avatar for Ahmed Zeidan
Ahmed Zeidan

Hi, i have the same issue and opened a support ticket, the reply was that FluentCRM is not yet integrated with CartFlows and the woocommerce optin does not show there yet. Any idea when this integration will be added?

Avatar for Christiaan Bakker
Christiaan Bakker

Hi, To welkom my new customers I like to send an order confirmation, currently by Woocommerce, but would like to have all emails going via the SMTP provider and FLUENT SMTP.
How can I dynamically list the purchased products in an email?

Is Fluent integrated with Woocommerce?

Thansk Christiaan

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Christian, I’m not sure about your query. but from my understanding, you want to send WooCommerce order confirmations via your email SMTP service. in that case, you need to configure WooCommerce email sender by replacing your admin email with the SMTP email on the FROM field. Dynamic WooCommerce segmentation isn’t available yet. but if you want to simply tag, just select a new order trigger and apply a tag.

Avatar for Marek J

FluentCRM looks very interesting but are these scenarios possible:
1. I have customers who didn’t create an account during the checkout therefore FluentCRM is not able to grab them during Import of a “WordPress Users”. Is there any way using for example import of a CSV file to grab these customers along with their orders?
2. If I create an automation based on a new order from WooCommerce and define in this automation to subscribe customer is this customer will have his order visible in “Purchase history” tab?

As you can see my goal is to subscribe users ALONG WITH THEIR ORDERS based on the customers who didn’t create an account.

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

1. Simply enable the WooCommerce subscription checkbox. FluentCRM will capture the contacts.
2. Yes, FluentCRM automatically store’s all purchase history. There’s no relation between automation and purchase history.

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

You’ll need to think critically about a product in transit automation. So unless you share the details I really can’t tell if it’s possible or not. However, the only issue I guess would be canceling an email sequence once it’s triggered. This is possible if you can time a “cancel sequence” block in FluentCRM’s automation.

After delivery automation is possible!

Avatar for Brad

Is it possible to set a tag for FluentCRM inside WooCommerce so that when someone purchases a product it will automatically assign that tag to that person? I see in automation I can set tags, but having to go through each product manually is tedious.

Avatar for Sam Frysteen
Sam Frysteen

A work around (have not tested as I only just purchased Fluent CRM) might be to youse CartFlows Abandoned Cart plugin (free) and it can trigger a webhook. Then get the Webhook to trigger your FCRM automation.

Avatar for Steven North
Steven North

Can FluentCRM integrate with WooCommerce Subscriptions and automate the lists of active subscribers?
Thus, when a new post is made, it sends a notification to all ‘active subscribers’ that an update has been published or even email them the update.

Avatar for lerry

in your example – the customer is being sent an email asking them to subscribe. but they are already a buyer – so how do I disable the double opt in requirement so I don’t annoy my customers with the extra email asking them to subscribe?

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Larry, we haven’t updated the doc since our last update. Sorry for that. Coming back to your question, here’s how you can disable the double opt-in email for WooCommerce customers: Settings> General Settings> Tick the Enable Subscription Checkbox to WooCommerce Checkout Page > untick Enable Double-Optin Email Confirmation

Avatar for Helmar Rudolph
Helmar Rudolph

Keep in mind that buyer != subscriber. Just because someone bought from you does NOT mean or even IMPLY that you have the right to “bombard” them with emails – with the exception of those related to the purchase itself. So even IF they are buyers, they should be explicitly asked if they want to “subscribe”.

Avatar for Carl Chapman
Carl Chapman

Is there a way of having “all products” in the Target Product Field? If you had 1000s of products it would take quite some time to choose all those for an automation you wanted for all products.

Avatar for shayne

Hi, how can users opt-out of emails from FluentCRM. GDPR requires this. And generally, they need to OPT-IN to receive marketing automations (I have asked about this feature 6 months ago and Shahjahn said it would come in the next update. Obviosuly not). It is so important for your EU customers to allow a “opt-in” checkbox in Woocommerce. It can’t be that complex to implement, no?

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Shayne,

Pardon us for not updating our documentation. We made the feature available in the latest update. To enable WooCommerce opt-in checkbox, go to FluentCRM>Settings>General Settings and enable the checkbox under Woocommerce Checkout Subscription Field.

Avatar for Muhammad Ibrahim Rosli
Muhammad Ibrahim Rosli


How do i make the buyer automatically becomes a subscriber after the purchase. Or if FluentCRM could not do that, how do i make sure that they will become a subscriber during checkout?

Thank you

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Ibrahim, it’s pretty easy to create a subscriber when someone bought a product. Just go to automation and select a WooCommerce New Order trigger and select Subscribe status. Then you can run the entire automation based on that trigger.