SMTP/Email & Bounce Handlers

FluentCRM uses the wp_mail() function to broadcast all the emails that is PHP-based mailer. There are various ways to deliver emails from WordPress. The SMTP Protocol, API-based 3rd party delivery providers, and direct PHP-based sending require SMTP Port 25 to be opened from the WordPress hosting server. Below is a screenshot of when no SMTP plugins are used on the website.

crm smtp initial

SMTP Plugins like FluentSMTP improves your WordPress mail by intercepting the wp_mail and then connecting with your email service providers to ensure deliverability. It allows sending emails directly via SMTP. API-based providers like Google Workplace, Office365, Sendgrid, AWS SES, etc. When you install the FluentSMTP plugin on your website and configure email delivery connections you will see them listed in the FluentCRM SMTP Dashboard like the below screenshot.

FluentSMTP Settings #

crm smtp

Bounce Handlers #

To configure Bounce Handlers for available services please check each relevant documentation:

  1. Amazon SES
  2. Mailgun
  3. SendGrid
  4. Pepipost
  5. PostMark
  6. Sparkpost

Latest comments (11)

Avatar for Tanzil Ebad Efti
Tanzil Ebad Efti

Yes, FluentCRM can blend with any other SMTP plugin. However, I suggest using FluentSMTP as it’s our Fluent Ecosystem product and you will get some extra benefits. Moreover, FluentSMTP is a completely Free plugin and it will stay as free for forever.

Avatar for Nazir Himel
Nazir Himel

Hi Ivan, you can only setup bounce handlers for the SMTP providers we fully support. However, I’m taking this as a feature request so if we integrate with TurboSMTP, you will be able to handle bounce notifications.