Introduction to FluentCRM Automation

Email Marketing & Automation in WordPress is sending automated emails based on your audience’s behavior and automating various tasks inside the WordPress website that are initiated upon different activities and triggers. It lets you turn your leads into customers and customers into brand advocates who’ll rave about you whenever they can! Email Marketing Automation is a marketing cylinder or funneled workflow where your leads can get into a relationship with your business starting from different activities.

FluentCRM is a tool that automates tasks and runs emails such as Email Campaigns, Email Sequences & Custom Emails.

This article will give you a detailed walkthrough of the Marketing Automation, Sales Funnel & Email Sending based on specific activities from FluentCRM. 

crm introduction 1
FluentCRM Concept

Glossary  #

Before we dive deep into FluentCRM and Automation, Let’s learn some terms that are very important to know and frequently used.

  • Automation Editor: The editor where you will be able to add, edit or modify your desired actions or activities in automation. To know more about this please visit Automation Editor.
  • Goals: Generally FluentCRM automation starts with a single and specific trigger. What if you want to run the same automation triggering based on another trigger? This way you could also benchmark the automation. To know more about this please visit Goals or BenchMark Actions.
  • Conditionals: One of the most useful features of FluentCRM is that you have advanced and more control over what you want to do or customize your target more with the flexibility of the FluentCRM data. Please visit Conditional Automation Actions to learn more about such flexibility in using data-based conditions in automation.

Dashboard of Automations  #

To learn all the details about the FluentCRM Automations and its Dashboard, read the instructions below –

You can access the Dashboard of Automations section from both the Left Sidebar and the Navbar in the FluentCRM plugin.

automations section of fluentcrm

Once you go to Automations, you will get all the available options for creating Automation Funnels as per your needs.

all the features of fluentcrm automations

All the options for Automations are briefly explained below: 

With this option, you can Search for any existing automation just by entering the desired automation’s Title.

b. + New Automation #

This option allows you to create new Automations according to your requirements as many as you want.

Remember, FluentCRM provides a couple of Pre-built Templates for Automation so that you can avoid the hassle of creating each automation from scratch and dive right into your campaigns without starting from scratch every time.”

Once you click the + New Automation button, a pop-up page will appear with all the Popular Pre-built Funnel Templates for creating automations.

Now, you just need to click on the desired templates and it will redirect you to the Automation Editor where the full funnel diagram will be ready automatically. 
Alternatively, if you want to create your automation funnel from scratch, simply click on the Create from Scratch box.

popular pre built funnel templates page

For example, here, I clicked on the WooCommerce Feedback Automation Template, and you can see the full funnel is ready in just one click.

Now, you will be able to graphically view the workflow of the automation which you can also customize as per your needs and configure it.

To learn more about how you can edit your automation funnel, read this Automation Editor documentation.

example of feedback automation funnel template

c. Import #

Use this option to Import any automation already exported in JSON format.

d. Activities #

Under this option, you will get all the activity logs for each automations.

e. Resource #

This button will open a sidebar on the right-hand side with the documentation to guide you through the basic FluentCRM Automation guidelines.

f. Checkbox #

Under this option, you will get the checkboxes to select single or multiple automation/s to apply bulk actions.

g. ID #

Under this option, you will get the unique ID number for each automations that you created.

h. Title #

Under this option, you will find the Title of all the automations you created which will help you to find your automation later easily. 

i. Trigger #

Under this option, you can see the trigger/s that you used for your automation/s. 

As we know Triggers are the initial activities that start automation. FluentCRM has a lot of triggers that let you initiate automation. These are:

j. Status #

Under this option, you can see the Status of all the automation (i.e., whether the automation is Published or Draft and how many Users/Contatcs enteres into this automation).

k. Actions #

Under this option, you will get two major options. These are

  • Reports
  • Three-dot-icon; Duplicate, Export, and Delete Automation

Reports #

By clicking this button, you can check Report for the Automations. To learn more detailed reporting details please visit Automation Reports

An example of Automation Reports that is published and have multiple actions is given in the screenshot below:

crm automation report step
Steps Report
crm automation report individual detailed
Individual Report

Three-dot-icon #

Once you click this icon, you will get another three more options. These are:

Duplicate: By clicking this button, you can duplicate any existing automation.

Export: Using this option, you can export any target automation.

Delete Automation: Clicking this trash icon, you can delete any existing automation.

three dot icon option under action column of automations

Automation Dashboard Enhancement #

Adding Internal Descriptions to your automation helps you stay more organized, which is beneficial for managing multiple automation efficiently.

internal description

Automation dashboards show as shown in the screenshot below.

automation dashboards 02

Primary Actions of FluentCRM Automation #

Besides the above-mentioned Action column inside the Automation Dashboard, Actions are actually the most important parts of FluentCRM Automation as these are the tasks or works we want FluentCRM to do for us automatically.

To learn more about FluentCRM Actions, Read this Documentation.

The actions that you want to run automatically when anyone triggers the automation you configured before, are given below:

L. Pagination #

Using this dropdown option, you can set how many automations you want to display per page.

Next Steps #

Our team prepared a few videos showcasing how automations work inside FluentCRM. You can watch them to get a clearer understanding of FluentCRM automations.

That’s all as an introduction or overview of FluentCRM automation. Please review the relevant elements to learn and start working with FluentCRM automation to build your own funnel in the WordPress website.

If you have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our @support team. Thank you.

Latest comments (55)

Avatar for chris

Hi Nazir,
first i want to say thank you for your free version of this really great plugin!!
And to the free version i have a question to Automation: After creating an Automation and setting it to published, if you add to that existing Automation further Actions (Wait x), the new actions will not apply to the already existing contacts in the Automation. They apply only to new contacts entering the Automation. Is there a way, to continue the “old” contacts too?
Thanks a lot!!

Avatar for vero

Hi guys,

I have an automation which is already turned on and the contacts get into the automation when they buy an specific product (woocommerce).

The Automation goes: Contact buys / Add a tag / Send Email Secuence.

However, If I would like to add a new contact into that pre-existing automation, how can I do so? I would like to add the tag and just that the contact be added to the automation. How can I do that? Thx!

Avatar for Ivo


I use DIVI (

I saw that FluentCRM has integration with DIVI.

I looked at all your tutorials but nowhere did I see how to set up a trigger for 1.) the email optin module. 2.) Nor for the DIVI bloom plugin.

I don’t want to use Fluent Forms.

How can I set a trigger for:

1.) The basic email optin module.

2.) DIVI bloom plugin.

Or is this impossible and should I abandon FluentCRM?




Avatar for Nazir Himel
Nazir Himel

Hi Emmanuel, you can’t set up automation for deleting contacts. We recommend setting up a dynamic segment for that. Then, you may clean up your list manually on a monthly basis using our bulk action feature.

Avatar for Lenin

Hi, good plugin, I’m selling an infoproduct, when the user wants to access the VSL he must put his email, so if he doesn’t buy I send him 3 more emails. My question is, If in the second email the user bought my information product, how can I add a Trigger or Tag or Event to know when this user bought me and then stop sending him the other emails? Is it possible?

Avatar for Lourdes

Hola, buenas tardes. Hice una automatización para que llegue un mail despues de suscribirse a mi página. Pero probé para verificar que todo estuviera bien y no me llega ningún email. Gracias

Avatar for Yuri Lima

Is possible to create a timer lets say a interval for each client?
We have a list of contacts with 10 clients then I want to send 1 action wait 20 seconds then send 1 more and so on.

Is possible?

Avatar for Sumit Malhotra
Sumit Malhotra

Hello Nazir!

It seems my automation is not getting saved after the data for “Send Custom Email” has been entered. Is there something I may be missing.

Need your assistance please.
Many thanks,

Avatar for Leonardo

Hola, me pueden ayudar
Hice una automatización para una landing page donde se suscriben y les llega un enlace para que puedan descargar el archivo, hice una prueba y el que “El contacto ha sido creado con exito” pero no me llega el correo con la información del enlace para la descarga.

Avatar for Pete Lenno

In one of the post above, the question of tracking “Email OPENS” got a response from FluentCRM that “email opens are not tracked”. It that true?

Can I track email opens? Every other emailing platform I’ve used tracks email opens. It is crucial to my automations to track: (a) Email Opens, (b) Clicks in an email. How can this be done?

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

FluentCRM can track email opens. However, this isn’t a good metric to consider because of how email opens are counted. If you didn’t know it yet, most tools track email opens by pixels. So when you simply log into your Gmail account, an email is recorded as “opened”. If you mean link clicks by “Clicks”, yes, you can track link clicks by using the goal benchmark or by simply using a SmartLink(Settings>SmartLinks).

Avatar for Gerrit

No, unfortunately FluentCRM has no Trigger for Datefields.
This would be a huge step for FluentCRM but at the Moment… no chance.

Stay tuned – I am looking forward to get this soon. They just released a great update an w went PRO

Avatar for pedro

How can I add custom fields in the body of an email in an atomization ?.
I see the data of the fields by default but I do not see the custom fields.

I put this code: {{contact.custom.added-coupon}} but they appear empty, both in the body and in the subject

Avatar for Jan Ingo

Hey fluentCRM Team,

great done, now we are Pro User to.
How can we enable to send a confirmation email after a list subscriber did unsubscribe from a list. We are in hope to build that with an automatic funnel.

In the other way it works simply to create a automatic funnel to send another email to the new subscriber to inform about confirm of subscribtion. But how does it works automaticly to send a last “Thanks for staying with us”-email to the “guest” after his unsubscibing from a list?

Greetings Jan

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Jan,
Glad to hear that you’re using the Pro version now!

Regarding your use case, this isn’t among the best practices in email marketing. So, unfortunately, you can’t send any email after the user unsubscribed. We also have a nice Facebook group where you can post your queries, you can join there to get your questions answered by people’s in our community:

Avatar for Jan Ingo

Hi Nazir,

thanks for your reply.

I guess there is maybe a way to chance the endpoind when unsubscribing from the page with the predefined questions. maybe with different questions about what the reason could be, or maybe to let route unsubscribe link to a different page on the website?

Greetings Jan

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Not really, once the contact clicks on the unsubscribe button, he immediately gets the ‘usubscribed’ status. FluentCRM can’t track or send them any email after that.

Avatar for tom

No way to sent an automation for me too!
Yes the api between the form and Fluent is set correct, i receive Contact AND i can sent the GDPR mail.
But i checked all, threee times, set up wit WP is correct.
I even receive a custom text field i implemented in the website and created frontup in Fluent, so API is ok.
To be honest if the first promise of a free version is broken and not working, i m very sceptical about to buy a pro on ! – Also this tutorial-post is just repeating what is already written on the page itself, so no new insights, just Parroting the form! If it starts like this, u are killing all trust with this. WHAT IS THE FREE VERSION OF FLUENT CRM? ….no one can tell, where. The few YouTube Videos are just a big sales pich, so no real content or answers there. same for this empty parrot-page? Until now i just wasted a lot of time, cause since days no autoresponder s working ! ?

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Tom,

I’m almost certain that you’ll never find anyone with the same issue as yours. All our automation work fine in both free and pro version. I’m pretty sure that something is causing a conflict and it’s making us sad that you’re blaming us just because your automation isn’t working.

I myself tested the automation in a test site using the free version and it’s working perfectly. Could you please check if your SMTP is configured properly? And if it’s working, please submit a support ticket:

I’ll tell our support team to prioritize your ticket. But please note that most of our team members are Muslim and are celebrating Eid-ul-Adha today, so it might take some time for them to get back to you.

Avatar for Jeff

My form captures the email address of the person completing the form (a student) and also a secondary email address (their teacher). I want to send an email to the teacher’s email address informing them that their student completed the form.

Can I use the value of the teacher’s email field on the form as the destination email address for a custom email in a funnel? If so, what’s the correct syntax to refer to the field in the “send to email addresses” field when creating the custom email?

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Jeff, Yes, that’s possible. To accomplish your goal, you need to create separate automation with the Fluent Forms trigger. And in that automation trigger, you need to select the teacher’s email address instead of the student’s email address.

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Gian,
No, FluentCRM doesn’t track custom email open rates. If you still want to track this, you can create a campaign so once it’s launched you can track the open rates and click rates.

Update: FluentCRM tracks all custom emails in the automation now.

Avatar for jacinthe Laforte
jacinthe Laforte

Hi! I am trying Fluent CRM (free version) and the automation to send an email when a client fill in the form doesn’t work. My hypothesis is that it is because, in the trigger, I cannot map the fields for the form (it says “no data” when I try to map the fields). I created the form in Fluent Forms.
What do I need to do to be able to map the field and have the automation work?
Thanks a lot!

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Jacinthe,

This shouldn’t happen. Did you check if the integration is enabled on your form? If the integration is working fine, you might need some technical assistance. Please contact our Support.

Avatar for Gabriel

Is it possible to create automations based on customers visited pages?

Let’s say my customer visited a specific page ‘ tree times.
Would I be able to tag that customer like ‘interested in category2’ and send specific emails for that or other customers who have the same behaviour?
