Ecommerce Triggers

As we have seen in the previous documentation we learned about Primary Automation Triggers that are mostly Segmentation Related. In this documentation we will be learning about E-commerce Triggers means that Plugins that enable E-commerce features in the WordPress website like Woocommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and AffiliateWP for affiliate management.

WooCommerce #

There are 4 Woocommerce triggers that can start FluentCRM automation and let you do some automated tasks.

crm automation trigger woocommerce

New Order (Processing) #

The Funnel will start once a New Order is added as Processing Status.

crm trigger woo new order
  • Automation Name: Provide a Name for the Automation.
  • Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor.
  • Subscription Status: Change the Subscription Status for the contact that submits the form according to FluentCRM Contacts Status.
  • Target Products: Select for which products, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all products.
  • Target Product Categories: Select for which product categories, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all product categories.
  • Purchase Type: Select the purchase type from Any Type of Purchase, Only for the First Purchase or From the 2nd Purchase.
  • Restart: Check this option if you want the automation to run multiple times for the contact that triggers the automation.

Order Completed #

The Funnel will start once an order is marked as completed.

crm trigger woo order completed
  • Automation Name: Provide a Name for the Automation.
  • Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor.
  • Subscription Status: Change the Subscription Status for the contact that submits the form according to FluentCRM Contacts Status.
  • Target Products: Select for which products, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all products.
  • Target Product Categories: Select for which product categories, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all product categories.
  • Purchase Type: Select the purchase type from Any Type of Purchase, Only for the First Purchase or From the 2nd Purchase.
  • Restart: Check this option if you want the automation to run multiple times for the contact that triggers the automation.

Order Refunded #

The Funnel will start once an order gets refunded.

crm trigger woo order refunded
  • Automation Name: Provide a Name for the Automation.
  • Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor.
  • Subscription Status: Change the Subscription Status for the contact that submits the form according to FluentCRM Contacts Status.
  • Target Products: Select for which products, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all products.
  • Target Product Categories: Select for which product categories, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all product categories.
  • Purchase Type: Select the purchase type from Any Type of Purchase, Only for the First Purchase or From the 2nd Purchase.
  • Restart: Check this option if you want the automation to run multiple times for the contact that triggers the automation.

Order Status Changed #

When the status of an order changes from one state to another, this Funnel will begin.

crm trigger woo order status changed
  • Automation Name: Provide a Name for the Automation.
  • Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor.
  • Subscription Status: Change the Subscription Status for the contact that submits the form according to FluentCRM Contacts Status.
  • Target Products: Select for which products, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all products.
  • From Order Status: Select the current order status. Select the Source Order Status to be checked for the trigger.
  • To Order Status: Select the order status you want to give. Select the Final or Destination Order Status to be checked for the trigger that is changed from the From Order Status.
  • Restart: Check this option if you want the automation to run multiple times for the contact that triggers the automation.

SureCart #

SureCart is a strong WordPress plugin that makes e-commerce easy, helping businesses create and manage professional online stores without any hassle.

FluentCRM integrates with SureCart and give two triggers to run automation for customers.

  • SureCart – New Order Success

This automation funnel will be start when a new order will be placed and when the payment will be successful.

  • SureCart – Order Revoked

This automation funnel will be start when the order will be canceled.

automations fluentcrm 1

After selecting the automation trigger a pop up will came like the below screenshot. Here you you can set status of the customer and also you can set some condition for the automation.

edit funnel fluentcrm
  • Automation Name: Give a Name for the Automation.
  • Internal Description: You can give a description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor.
  • Subscription Status: Change the Subscription Status for the contact that submits the form according to FluentCRM Contacts Status.
  • Target Products: Select for which products, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all products.
  • From Order Status: Select the current order status. Select the Source Order Status to be checked for the trigger.
  • To Order Status: Select the order status you want to give. Select the Final or Destination Order Status to be checked for the trigger that is changed from the From Order Status.
  • Restart: Check this option if you want the automation to run multiple times for the contact that triggers the automation.

Easy Digital Downloads #

You can also start automation depending on an EDD New Order.

crm automation trigger edd

EDD – New Order Success #

The Funnel will start once new order will be added as a successful payment.

crm trigger edd
  • Automation Name: Provide a Name for the Automation.
  • Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor.
  • Subscription Status: Change the Subscription Status for the contact that submits the form according to FluentCRM Contacts Status.
  • Target Products: Select for which products, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all products.
  • Target Product Categories: Select for which product categories, this automation will run. Leaving it blank will run for all product categories.
  • Purchase Type: Select the purchase type from Any Type of Purchase, Only for the First Purchase or From the 2nd Purchase.
  • Restart: Check this option if you want the automation to run multiple times for the contact that triggers the automation.

AffiliateWP #

If you are managing affiliates on your website then you can also start automation once a new affiliate is approved.

crm automation trigger affiliatewp

AffiliateWP – New Affiliate Approved/Active Register #

The Funnel will be initiated when the affiliate will be approved or registered as directly approved.

crm trigger affiliatewp
  • Automation Name: Provide a Name for the Automation.
  • Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor.
  • Subscription Status: Change the Subscription Status for the contact that submits the form according to FluentCRM Contacts Status.
  • Restart: Check this option if you want the automation to run multiple times for the contact that triggers the automation.
  • If Contact Already Exists: Specify what will happen if the subscriber already exists in the database. You can either update if the contact is already present in the FluentCRM Contacts which means recurring triggering for the automation or Skip the automation for this contact.

That’s all for E-commerce triggers. Please check the other triggers as well to have the ability to do more things inside FluentCRM.

Latest comments (7)

Avatar for Jacqueline

Can you please add also the Paymattic payment status for automation?
With the paymatic/fluentcrm integration, the customer is added to a list, regardless of the payment status and therefore even if the payment is declined or waiting. For the automation I only want to write to customers who have actually paid. How can I set this up?

Avatar for zak

Re: SureCart – the description refers to “From/To Order Status” however, it doesn’t look like these are current options (also not showing in the screenshot). Is it possible to use the “New Order Success” trigger for orders that have NOT been completed?

Avatar for Andrei

Hi there,
New to FluentCRM, but very grateful for it. It has been an incredible tool for managing my email marketing campaigns based on colleting users/visitors intelligence. I have a question, though I would like to know if FluentCRM can monitor the time spent on a page? I’m curious to learn if page visit duration can be used as a trigger for automation.

Avatar for Joedosn Lima
Joedosn Lima

I saw that it has an option to display the user’s order id in the webhook, it has an option to display contact information like {{contact.first_name}}, {{}}, but I didn’t see any option to show the name of the product or the user’s order id. Would there be any way to do this?