Learndash Integration with FluentCRM

Learndash is one of the most popular LMS plugins for WordPress. If you have created an eLearning course platform on WordPress using Learndash, FluentCRM can help you automate your course marketing with activity monitoring contact segmentation, email marketing, and many more. Follow this simple guide to learn how to automate these tasks with FluentCRM!

*Tutorial: Learndash email marketing automation with FluentCRM

Lead generation and segmentation #

FluentCRM lets you capture your Learndash students as leads and lets you tag contacts based on course enrollment and course completion.

Setting up tags in LearnDash Courses #

In order to capture and apply tags based on course enrollment and course completion, go to edit your Learndash course and switch to the Settings tab. Then, from Course Access Settings, you’ll need to select the tags you want to apply when course enrollments and course completions happen.

fluentcrm learndash settings

Marketing Automation #

FluentCRM also lets you automate a wide range of tasks such as sending behavioral emails, email sequences, contact property updates, and many more.

FluentCRM’s email marketing automation includes four major elements. These are:

  1. Triggers: Triggers are essential for initiating email marketing automation. They can be behavior-based, or time-based. Learn more about FluentCRM’s Triggers.
  2. Action Blocks: The actions that will be done throughout the funnel for example sending an email, adding the user to a list, etc. Learn everything about FluentCRM Action Blocks
  3. Goals: Goals or Benchmarking Action is the behavior of the users for example whether they purchased a product, clicked on a link, etc. Learn everything about FluentCRM Goals Blocks
  4. Conditionals: Conditionals will let you set multiple paths based on if/else conditions. Learn more about FluentCRM Conditionals

LearnDash Automation #

At first, from your FluentCRM dashboard & go to the Automation option. Then click on the Create a New Automation button to add an automation funnel.

fluentcrm automation funnel

You will notice a pop-up window appear, where you have to add a suitable Internal Label and choose the trigger that will initiate an automation funnel. You can choose one from six available Learndash Triggers then click on Continue button.

  1. Course Enrolled: This will let you trigger an automation funnel when someone enrolls in a Learndash course.
  2. Course Left: This will let you trigger an automation funnel when someone leaves the Learndash course.
  3. Course Completed: This will let you trigger an automation funnel when someone completes a Learndash course.
  4. Lesson Completed: This will let you trigger an automation funnel when someone Completes a lesson in a Learndash course.
  5. Topic Completed: This will let you trigger an automation funnel when someone completes a topic in a Learndash course lesson.
  6. Group Enrollmented: This will let you trigger an automation funnel when someone enrolls in a group in Learndash.
fluentcrm funnels for learndash

Apart from these triggers, FluentCRM also comes with lots of other triggers. To see the full list of triggers and learn how to configure them, please check this documentation.

When you select a trigger and click Continue, a pop-up box will appear with some options to set up the trigger. You can set your Automation Name and Internal Description of your Automation here. Also, you can change your Subscription Status, Conditions, and select the specific courses to run this Automation with the Target Courses field.

If you enable the Restart the Automation Multiple Times for a contact for this event then it will restart the automation for a contact already in a automation.

Once you’re done setting up the trigger click on the Save Settings button, now you can use Actions, Goals, and Conditionals to design your marketing automation Funnel.

fluentcrm automation funnel details

Action Block #

Actions blocks are tasks that you wish to trigger from your side. Click on the plus icon on the Automation Funnel page and the Add Action/Goal option will come click on it.

fluentcrm automation learndash

Then you will notice a pop-up appear with a set of Action blocks to choose from and if you scroll down you will see there are four dedicated action blocks available for LearnDash.

From here, you can choose any type of action block. Please check our funnel action blocks documentation to find out how to use action blocks.

action block learndash

Goals/Trigger Block(Benchmark) #

Goals/Trigger blocks are goal or trigger items that your user might do. They let you measure these steps and automate the funnel based on goal completion.

Click on the plus icon(+) to open the pop-up for selecting the Add Action/Goals. For Learndash, you can choose List Applied goal

learndash automation goal

This trigger block will run once a list is applied to a contact within the automation funnel. In this block, you can add an internal label, specify the list for which the goal applies, when it will run, and Benchmark Type. 

Click Save Settings when you’re done. if you want to use other goals or benchmarks, please check our goal/benchmark documentation.

fluentcrm learndash goal automation list applied

Conditionals #

Conditionals are conditional logic. If you want to automate different activities based on If/Else conditions, you can choose a conditional. For Learndash, FluentCRM allows you to automate different activities based on two conditionals. Click on the plus icon(+) from the Automation Funnel page to open the pop-up for selecting the Conditional Action.

Specify Matching Conditions: With this, you can add different action blocks based on your preference, click on the Add button to see the conditions options.

Then make sure to click the Save Settings button.

fluentcrm automation learndash conditon
fluentcrm learndash conditions

If you want to use other conditionals please check out this documentation. If you have any more queries please feel free to contact our support team.

*Tutorial: Learndash email marketing automation with FluentCRM

Latest comments (5)

Avatar for Bodapati Sridhar
Bodapati Sridhar

Can we add LearnDash blocks to the email? Currently ,the blocks available in Email are extremely limited when compared to those available in WordPress post composer. Is it possible to get all the blocks and add to email.

My simple use cases: User has completed course A. An automatic email suggesting course B and C is sent. Course B and C thumbnails and descriptions are added to email using LearnDash Course grid block.

New blog posts added, a weekly digest is sent. For this,currently i am using RSS feed block. Would prefer a better block which produces a more visually pleasing result.

Avatar for MrLE

Is there any update to this? It’s not very helpful to be able to trigger weekly emails based on new course availability, but then not to be able to highlight those courses in the same email.