
  • New: Dynamic Coupon Creation (WooCommerce)
  • New: Company Module Custom Field Creation
  • New: Company Module Filtering Improvement
  • New: Advance Contact Segmentation based on Industry & Type
  • New: Create Tags & List on the Fly within Contact Details
  • New: Global Automation Activities Within Automation Panel
  • Performance: Merged API Requests, Better CSV import
  • Correction: WP user merge code for multiple password reset links
  • Fix: Fixed Issues with Thrive Suites Plugins
  • Fix: Fixed CSV uploads for different PHP versions
  • New: WooCommerce Subscription Expiration Trigger
  • New: WP User Role Based Segmentation for Advanced Filters
  • New: BuddyBoss / BuddyPress Tags for Invites and Group Membership
  • Performance: Improved Email Sending Database Queries
  • Fix: WooCommerce Address Field Syncing Issue Fixed
  • Fix: LearnDash Course SmartCode Issue Fixed
  • Elementor Form Integration Improvement
  • Security Improvement: Company Logo Auto Fetching File-Type Check Added
  • Improved Action Scheduler for Email Sending
  • Added Campaign Email Shareable Link
  • New Smart Codes – WP User
  • Improved Contact Profile API
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Improved Data Clean-Up Tool
  • Improved Security on Auto Login for Smart Links
  • Auto Login Option with Smart Links
  • Add All Post Type for Recurring Campaigns Conditions
  • Improved WooCommerce Orders History and Sync
  • Email Campaign Analytics Improvement
  • Fixed Template Import issue
  • Support For WooCommerce HPOS Integration
  • Fixed Customer’s Order History Issues
  • Improve Litespeed Cache Compatibility
  • Multi Threader Email – Send Emails faster
  • Custom Contacts Fields Grouping
  • Event Tracking for contacts
  • Latest Post Block improvement
  • One-click List-Unsubscription Header
  • System Logs for debugging
  • New Goal/Benchmark Added for SureCart (pro)
  • New Automation Trigger: Paid Membership Pro – Membership Cancelled (pro)
  • Scheduled Jobs improvement
  • Added Postal Server support for Email Bounce Handling
  • Webview for Email Campaign improvements and privacy improvements
  • Other Improvements & Bug Fixes
  • Added One Click Unsubscribe option in compliance features
  • Image upload compatibility with WordPress 6.4 fixed
  • Contact import with company name supported now
  • Active Campaign import improvement (Thanks to WPFusion)
  • Fixed Spacing & FontSize Issue
  • Improvement & Bug Fixes on Both Global & Custom Footer
  • Fixed Syntax Issue in Recurring Email History
  • Fixed Email Open Performance Issue
  • Other Improvements & Bug Fixes
  • WooCommerce HPOS Compatibility Added
  • Conditional Checks for LearnDash groups and items issue fixed
  • Fixed Restart issue in UserLogin Trigger
  • Permission UX Improvement with the addition of Import Permission
  • Color Improvement in Automation
  • UI Improvement of Latest Post Block in Email Builder
  • Webhook issue fixed
  • Replace google fonts with bunnycdn font
  • Enable/Disable AI integration for visual builder (in Experimenta Settings)
  • Improvement on Company module
  • New trigger: Company added to contact Trigger
  • New Trigger: Company Removed Trigger
  • Company-specific Automation Actions
  • Custom email preference management page
  • New Trigger: Contact Created
  • Navigation and UI improvements
  • Duplicate segment or export contacts
  • Other improvements including translatable strings, permissions in CRM managers
  • Other Bug Fixes
  • New: Ability to delete contact profile picture
  • New: Company attach/detach
  • Improved: Campaign Email Scheduling and sending speed increased
  • Improved: UI Improvement
  • Improved: Confirmation prompt for email campaigns
  • Improved: Double Opt-in Email pre-header
  • Improved: Integration Improvements
  • Fixed: Bug fixes & improvements
  • Use Secure Hash instead of MD5 for the subscription preference page (Resolved: CVE-2023-1430). Thanks to Karl Emil Nikka for reporting the issue.
  • Fixed: Contact Filter Issue
  • Fixed: Server Time UTC issue on the admin Footer
  • Fixed: It’s a quick-fix update so no other features are added
  • New: Added Company module
  • New: FluentCRM Navigation Experience
  • New: WooCommerce Subscription Triggers (Pro)
  • Improved: More detailed contact overview
  • Improved: Massive UI enhancements
  • Improved: Ability to check email preview for specific contacts
  • Improvements and bug fixes
  • Improved: List & Tag selection UI improved
  • Improved: Campaign Email Activity Improvements
  • Fixed: Email Conditional Sections issues fixed
  • Fixed: Redirecting issues for Non-Unicode characters
  • Fixed: import issue for Restrict Content Pro
  • New: Added New Smartcode for latest post title and Custom Date Format
  • New: Added Inline Doc Link for Smartcodes
  • Improved: Elastic Email bounce handler added
  • New: New developer documentation
  • New: Use SmartCode on the Activity notes from the automation
  • Improved: Improvements in Contact Filtering
  • Improved: Refactored plugin and performance improvements
  • Fixed: Enhancements and bug fixes
  • Fixed: Theme color is not showing in the Gutenberg editor
  • Fixed: Image alignment issue in the block editor
  • Fixed: Email template saving issue
  • Fixed: The unsubscribe link is not working in the double opt-in confirmation page issue
  • Fixed: The multiline custom field is not working in the email body issue
  • Conditional Sections on Visual Builder
  • Email Preview issue on Campaign Review Screens
  • Added Tag Based Redirect after Double Optin (Check Settings -> Double Optin)
  • Date Time Filters issue fixed for custom Fields
  • Template Import / Export
  • Save as Template from Campaign Screen
  • Email Audit for invalid Links for Email Editor
  • Brand New Drag & Drop Email Builder
  • Integration improvements (Woo, Buddypress)
  • In-Page Documentation for top-level feature pages
  • UI & UX improvement across the full application
  • Better Mobile optimized screens
  • User registration automation trigger issues are solved.
  • Faster email editor
  • Improved Email Sequences
  • Improvement in Automation Goals
  • Select and modify email template blocks in bulk
  • Experimental features for Faster Contact Navigations, Date Formats
  • UI & UX Improvements
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements
  • Experimental Feature: Email Archives in the frontend (Pro)
  • Email campaign, sequence, automation activity conditions on Contact Advanced Filters (Pro)
  • New WooCommerce/EDD/LearnDash/LifterLMS conditions (Pro)
  • New Trigger: Birthday Automation (Pro)
  • New Action: Remove WordPress User Role
  • New Trigger: Leave from a Course(LearnDash)
  • Improved – Advanced wait action in Automation
  • Improved – Added restart automation to all (almost) triggers
  • Improved – Sequence filtering for automation
  • Improved – View revenue for specific emails
  • Improved – Create Fluent Support tickets from Automation
  • Improved – Split test automation scenarios (Pro)
  • Added – Revenue metrics in email sequences
  • Added – More conditions in Advanced Filtering (Pro)
  • Added – Enable/Disable auto sync for integrated tools
  • Added – Email preference management short-code
  • Added – Detailed CRM reporting (Pro)
  • Added – Pre-populate Fluent Forms data from FluentCRM
  • Bug fixes & improvements
  • Improved scheduled campaigns
  • Huge Performance Improvement
  • Fixed Country Name Filters
  • Improved Contact Imports
  • WP User Sync Issue fixed
  • Contact Exclude from campaign fixed
  • WP Ultimo conflict issue resolved
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions integration
  • EDD Software Licensing integration
  • MemberPress Contact Importer
  • Export contacts by advanced filters
  • Export/Import Email Sequences
  • New bulk action: send double opt-in
  • Manual actions: delete contact, add a contact to automation & email sequences
  • Fetch profile picture from Fluent Forms entry
  • Smartcode/Merge tags Transformer
  • Improvements and bug fixes
  • Added Merge tags for WooCommerce, Affiliate WP, LearnDash and LifterLMS
  • Fixed issue with LearnDash events
  • Added option to add contacts to an Automation
  • Added option to add contacts to an Email Sequence
  • Fixed campaign sending issue for some server
  • The Double Optin issue has been fixed
  • Integration Improvements
  • UI Improvements
  • Added Auto Migration from ActiveCampaign, MailerLite, MailChimp, Drip, ConvertKit
  • Fixed CSV Import Issue for duplicate emails
  • Email Builder Issues fixed for the latest version of WP
  • Improved Contact Filtering
  • Integration Improvements
  • Improved UI
  • Bulk Actions Improvements for Contacts
  • Add Name Prefix filter to Advanced Filter
  • WooCommerce Data Sync and Automations issues Fixed
  • EDD Advanced Filter and Automation Triggers Fixed
  • Email sequence issues fixed
  • Webhook issues fixed
  • UI & UX improvements
  • (HOT FIX) Fix Multiple Automation Trigger for Woo and EDD
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.9
  • Improved Email Builder
  • CSV import duplicate data issue fixed
  • Automation Improvement
  • Tagging Improvement
  • Fixed Advanced Filters for Woo, EDD, LearnDash, and LifterLMS
  • Fixed JSON issue for HTTP Action
  • UI&UX improvement in several screens across the app
  • Micro-target contacts!
  • Send targeted email campaigns
  • Create better dynamic segments
  • Run automation with advanced conditional logic!
  • Synchronize WooCommerce, EDD, LifterLMS, and LearnDash data!
  • Import EDD & WooCommerce contacts by product purchases!
  • View customer summary at a glance!
  • Advanced reporting (for WooCommerce, EDD, LifterLMS, and LearnDash)
  • Enroll/Remove students and Add/Remove memberships, automatically!
  • Automate emails for trial products
  • New Goal: Email Sequence Completed
  • Beaver Builder subscription form integration
  • Bug fixes & improvements
  • BuddyBoss/BuddyPress Integration
  • ThriveCart Integration (Addon)
  • LearnPress Integration
  • Dynamically Import Existing users from LMS/Membership/BuddyBoss
  • Email Editor Improvement
  • Persistent Contact Page
  • Dynamic Segment Improvement and Bulk Operations
  • Automation Funnel Improvement
  • Integration improvements
  • … and so many new features and improvements
  • Whole New Dashboard Design
  • Added Lots of WooCommerce Integrations
  • More integration added with LifterLMS, LearnDash, and TutorLMS
  • Outgoing Webhook in Automation
  • WooCommerce Conditional Block and new action and triggers added
  • User Registration Action Block added to Automation
  • Custom fields improvements
  • Added Plain Text Email Template
  • Added Fluent Forms force subscribe feature
  • User role-based tagging feature added
  • Added Redirection Option after Double-Optin
  • Email Builder Blocks Improvements
  • Add Option to remove contacts on WP User delete
  • Showing in details purchase history from WooCommerce on Contact Screen
  • Webhook bounce handler with all major Email Service providers
  • This is a minor update (no new feature, sorry!)
  • Webhook issue fixed for some providers
  • ENd Funnel Issues Fixed
  • Fix CRON Issues for some specific server
  • UI Color issue fixed
  • Fluent Forms conditional issues fixed
  • Add Selected Days to Sending Emails for Email Sequences
  • Fix CRON Jobs issues
  • Image alignment issue for Emails fixed
  • Condition Content Block for Oxygen Builder
  • Restart Automation
  • Color Codes for Automation Blocks
  • NEW: WooCommerce Product Refund Trigger
  • New: Notes and Activities Action Block
  • Email Sending Speed Improvement
  • Build-in Documentation Page
  • Lots of Improvements and Fixed
  • CSV Issue Fixed
  • New: Added Contact Property Update from Automation
  • New: WooCommerce Subscription Box on Checkout Page
  • Automation UI improvement
  • Multi-Path Conditional Automation Funnel
  • New Automation Triggers and Blocks
  • CRM Access Roles
  • SmartLinks Improvements
  • More Analytics Data
  • Share an Automation
  • Better RTL Support and Fully Translatable
  • Automation Funnels Improvement
  • RTL issues resolved
  • Email Builder Improvements
  • CSV Import issues fixed
  • Email sending speed improvement
  • Contact Data syncing with WordPress Users
  • Overall UI and REST API improvements
  • PHP 8.0 Compatible
  • Setup wizard fixed
  • Added Post/Page Block for Dynamic content based on tag or login state
  • Added feature to delete old logs
  • Added all emails activity page
  • Fix issue on dynamic smart tags on the email subject
  • UI improvement
  • Added FluentSMTP Support
  • List Action issue resolved
  • Prepare For WordPress 5.6
  • Editor Improvement
  • Custom HTML parser for Email Campaign Fix
  • Email Builder Improvement
  • Inline Contact Tagging with Fluent Forms
  • Better Email and Automation Reporting from Contact Profile
  • Rename Campaign from any campaign screen
  • Better Automation Visibility
  • Automation Trigger-related bug fixed
  • Short URL redirect issue resolved
  • Tag Automation Trigger fixed
  • Automation Action Fixes
  • Contact Search Improvement
  • Automation Improvement
  • User Data endpoint improvements
  • Bounce Handler Improvement
  • Internal Improvements
  • Email Builder improvement
  • Email Campaign Duplication
  • Automation Funnel Improvement
  • Added global reply configuration
  • Improved Amazon SES Bounce Handler
  • Funnel Reporting improvement
  • Fix issue for double opt-in + Automation trigger
  • UI Improvements
  • Show CRM Profile Link in Edit user screen
  • The funnel Benchmark issue has been fixed
  • Added RTL support
  • The bulk Email Sending Memory issue has been fixed
  • Added Duplicate Automation Feature
  • Added More Hooks for 3rd Party Developers
  • Improvement on Big Lists for email sending
  • Oxygen Builder Compatibility issues fixed
  • Funnel automation fix with Fluent Forms
  • Segmentation Selection fix
  • Fix custom fields mapping
  • Double Opt-in Fixed and controlled
  • Added search on Emails
  • Added More API endpoints
  • Overall performance improvement
  • Massive Optimization for large lists like 300K
  • Fixed API namespace fixed
  • WPFusion & MailOptin Issue fixed
  • Unsubscribe Page improvement
  • Step save on email campaign
  • Fixed unsubscription issue
  • Custom filed mapper has been added with Fluent Forms
  • Funnel renamed to Automations
  • Fix language text-domain
  • Internal Improvements
  • Fix Double Optin Issues
  • Improved Tools Page
  • Fix Tag creation title
  • Fix form creation wizard
  • Fix Setup wizard
  • Few Typo Fix
  • List issue fix in the funnel
  • Initial Launch
  • 1482 git commits so far
  • 1982 cup of coffee (Just kidding, We lost count)
  • Work of 1 year + 5 developers
  • Let’s make WordPress great!

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