WordPress Actions

As we have seen in the Primary Actions there are a lot of actions that can be added and customizable in various way to do some automated tasks in FluentCRM.

In this documentation, we will be learning about the WordPress Actions of FluentCRM Automation.

crm actions wordpress

Create WP User #

If you want to create a new WordPress user from FluentCRM which can collect leads from various sources, you can use this option to to do that automatically.

crm action wp create user
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • User Role: Available WordPress User Roles to select for the Contact.
  • Password: Either Generate Password Automatically or Provide Custom User Password manually or by using SmartCodes as described in SmartCode in Email Editor.
  • User Meta Mapping: If you want to map user meta properties you can do it here. This is optional.
    1. User Meta Key: The key is mapped to the database as the Meta Key.
    2. User Meta Value: The value against the User Meta Key. You can use Smart Tags too as described in the SmartCode in Email Editor.
  • User Notification: You can Send a WordPress user notification email to the contact by selecting the checkbox.

Update WP User Meta #

As we have seen in the Create WP User action we have the ability to map the User Meta Keys and their Values. With this action, we can also update the User Meta keys and their Values as well.

crm action wp update user meta
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • User Meta Mapping: Map user meta properties here. You can use Smart Tags too as described in the SmartCode in Email Editor.
    1. User Meta Key: The key is mapped to the database as the Meta Key.
    2. User Meta Value: The value against the User Meta Key. Either Custom Manual Value or Smart Tags that are described in the SmartCode in Email Editor.

Change WP User Role #

Another helpful WordPress based action that you can utilize in the automation to update User Role for a FluentCRM contact who is registered as a User in WordPress.

crm action wp change user role
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • User Role: Available WordPress User Roles to select for the Contact.
  • Replace Existing Role: If you do not check this, then the User Role you Selected will be appended to the User. By Selecting this, the User Role selected will be replaced or updated for the user.

Latest comments (5)

Avatar for helmut

i tried this funnel, but wp user was not created.
trigger: contact created
action: create wordpress user with role subscriber
status: published

if i create a new contact in fluentcrm, no wp user would created
did is miss something?

Avatar for Nazir Himel

Hi Helmut, please make sure you’ve set the user registration permission to ‘Anyone can Register’. For this, go to WordPress Settings and enable the checkbox that says ‘Anyone Can Register’. If it still doesn’t work, please submit a support ticket and one of our technical experts should be with you in no time. 🙂