Primary Actions

Once Automation is triggered it’s time to add actions to the automation that will do some advanced, tedious, or automatic tasks for us. There are plenty of automation tasks available in the FluentCRM that we can add to automation and let it run even when we are not present or working on the website.

In this documentation, we will be learning about the Primary Actions of FluentCRM Automation.

edit funnel fluentcrm action

Wait X Days/Hours #

This is a very helpful action that adds a time gap between the actions in which it is placed. This can be 3 types of delays as discussed below:

Wait by Period #

If you want to predefine the time delay in Days, Hours, or Minutes you can use this option to add a Delay between actions you want.

edit funnel fluentcrm (4)
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Wait Time: Numeric value of the Waiting Delay Period.
  • Wait Time Unit: Unit value as Days, Hours, Minutes against the Wait Time Numeric value.

Wait Until Date #

In cases, you run campaigns or tasks that have a predefined Date that is very important you can add this type of delay to select your date with time to let the action wait until this specified date and time.

edit funnel fluentcrm (3)
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Select Date: Date Selector to select the date from the Calendar.
  • Select Time: Time Selector to select the Time on that Date.
  • Now Button: This will let you automatically input the current Date and Time.

Wait by Weekday #

And cases like where you want to run actions or let it wait for specific days with a specific time, you can use this type of delay so the action waits until the specified day along with the time you define in the option.

edit funnel fluentcrm (2)
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Wait until the next Day(s) of the week: Date Selector as checkboxes for 7 Days.
  • Time of the Day: Time Selector to select the Time on that Date.

Wait by Custom Field #

With the Wait by Custom Field option, you can set wait times based on a contact’s custom date field. For instance, if you choose Contact’s Next Date of Birth, the automation will pause until that specific date.

edit funnel fluentcrm (1)

Apply Company #

This action will append the company information to the contact you’ve just added or the existing contact.

action company applied

Apply List #

With this primary action, you can apply Lists to a contact from within automation.

crm action crm applylist
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Select Lists: Dropdown to select lists that you want to apply to the contact.

Apply Tag #

Same as List applying this can be used to apply tags to contacts in the automation.

crm action crm applytag
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Select Tags: Dropdown to select tags that you want to apply to the contact.

Remove from company #

This action will remove the company details from the contact.

action company removed

Remove From List #

You can remove your target contacts from lists by using this action.

crm action crm remove from list
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Select Lists: Dropdown to select lists that you want to remove from the contact.

Remove From Tag #

Remove this contact from the selected Tags.

crm action crm remove from tag
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Select Tags: Dropdown to select tags that you want to remove from the contact.

Add Notes and Activity #

This action lets you add custom notes and activities for the contacts within automation.

To add notes and activities to the contacts in your automation automatically, select this block. In the pop-up window, select your contacts Activity Type, give a Title and write your description.

crm action crm add notes
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Select Activity Type: Dropdown to select the activity type you want to add for the contact. Options are:
    1. Note,
    2. Call,
    3. Email,
    4. Meeting,
    5. Quote: Sent,
    6. Quote: Accepted,
    7. Quote: Refused,
    8. Invoice: Sent,
    9. Invoice: Part Paid,
    10. Invoice: Paid,
    11. Invoice: Refunded,
    12. Feedback
  • Activity Title: Title for the Activity.
  • Description: Description to add with the Advanced Editor to add rich text.

Update Contact Property #

This action lets you update custom contact properties for the contacts within the automation.

In order to update a custom field, simply Select a Contact Property from the dropdown and add the value you want to update.

crm action crm update contact property
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Contact Property: Dropdown to select the activity type you want to add for the contact. Options are:
    1. Contact Type: Lead or Customer.
    2. Contact Source: Manual Text to be updated.
    3. Country: Country Dropdown to select the new country to be updated.
    4. Custom Fields – Text Type: Manual Text to be updated.
    5. Custom Fields – Numeric, Multiple Select, Checkboxes Type: A value and what to do with that with the current value. Either Replace, Subtract or Add the new Value.
    6. Custom Fields – Radio, Select Choice Type: Single Option from the Dropdown as they are configured in the Custom Contact Fields to be updated for the contact.
    7. Custom Fields – Radio, Select Choice Type: Single Option from the Dropdown as they are configured in the Custom Contact Fields to be updated for the contact.
  • Property Value: Title for the Activity.
  • Add More: Button to add more property to be updated.

Outgoing Webhook #

Outgoing webhooks let you send your subscriber data within the automation to external servers and platforms.

To send data to external servers and platforms, select your Data Send Method, you can choose both the Get and Post methods. Next, provide your Webhook URL and Select Request Format(you can do both JSON and Form). Choose what data you want to send(you can send Full Subscriber Data or Custom Data) and select whether you want to Request Header or not.

crm action crm outgoing webhook
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Data Send Method: POST or GET method.
  • Remote URL: URL of the remote Webhook.
  • Request Format: JSON or Form method.
  • Request Body: The body of the webhook is the data to be sent to the remote source. Options are:
    1. Data Key: The key mapped to the remote source will be accepting the sent data value.
    2. Data Value: The value from FluentCRM you are going to send to the remote source against the Data Key.
  • Request Body Data: Full Subscriber Data (Raw) or Custom Data. Most use cases will be custom data which lets you map each key and its value to be sent.
  • Request Header: If you need to add additional headers such as authentication which sometimes is required by the receiving provider. For example, Authentication as Basic OAuth. An example of such additional headers is shown in the below screenshot:
crm automation primary actions request header
  • Send Data as background or not: If you have a lot of tasks running, you may want to enable the option to Send Webhook Data as Background Process. However, unchecking this option is recommended so that the webhook data is sent immediately.

Split (A/B Testing) #

Another great feature of the FluetnCRM is the Split Testing in Automation. Currently, you can test 2 methods or ways of your concepts in automation as guided below.

If you are familiar with the A/B testing of Email Subjects then you may have guessed this feature functionality. This is used to let you test different action sets in the automation so that you can benchmark the performance of different approaches or actions and learn new things or correct your steps in the future.

crm action crm split test
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Path Contact Split Ratio: Percentage of the Path A or B that the contacts will be distributed to measure the logic or test conditions you want to run as benchmarking or testing the actions to see which way benefits the most.

Cancel Automation #

This lets you cancel automation for the contacts within your automation.

crm action crm cancel automation
  • Internal Label: A Short Title that is described in the Internal Label.
  • Internal Description: A Short Description that is described in the Internal Description.
  • Select Automation that you want to cancel: Select the other Automations you want to cancel reaching this point for the contact.

End This Funnel Here #

If you apply this action then no further action will run once a contact hits this point. This automation will be marked as completed at this point for contact.

crm action crm end funnel

This action is intended to be used in the Conditional Paths where you can check for conditions and end automation in any of the paths.

Latest comments (7)

Avatar for Gerald

I would like to update a custom field (date) with the current date.
With the update contact action I need to pick a static date. Is there an option to store the current date into a contact date-field?

Avatar for Jim

If I use the “Cancel Sequence Emails” does that stop all unsent emails for that contact?

In other words, if they are in the sequence on email #3 of 10 and the automations cancels they won’t receive any further emails in the sequence, correct?

Avatar for pierre

I’m looking to purchase fluentcrm but how do you add condition ?
– if customer has 0 purchase
– if customer spent more than $99

Also how do you add suggested products in email template base on customer product view history ?
And a link to his abandoned cart…

These are mandatory for any e-commerce marketing email software !