Disable Email Open Tracking
add_filter('fluentcrm_disable_email_open_tracking', '__return_true');
Disable Email Link Clicks and short URLs
add_filter('fluent_crm/track_click', '__return_false');
Add Custom Contact Status
(Change “Withdrawed” to the custom contact status you want to display.)
add_filter('fluent_crm/contact_statuses', function($statuses){
$statuses[] = "Withdrawed";
return $statuses;
},10, 1);
Add Custom Contact Type
(Replace “Student” with the new contact type and “This is a Student” with the description)
add_filter('fluent_crm/contact_types', function($types){
$types['Student'] = __('This is a Student', 'fluent-crm');
return $types;
}, 10, 1);
Is it possible to disable email Link Clicks and short URLs on just a single email or single link in an email?