Email Templates

Creating a new Email Template #

From Emails ➜ Email Templates you can create a template that can be used later around the FluentCRM. The available settings options for Email templates are:

  1. Template Title: The Title, as an identifier for later use for the Template.
  2. Email Subject: The Email Subject that is shown as a subject or topic in the recipient’s email clients.
  3. Email Pre-Header: An Additional short subject that is shown as a small subject line beside the primary subject.
  4. Save Template: Button to save the template.
  5. Email Body: Compose your email body using the block editor or visual builder
crm email compose template
Composing Emails in Email Template

Sending a Test Email from Email Templates #

To send a test email from Email Templates, please click on the Send a test email button from the top right corner of the Email Templates Settings section as shown in the below screenshot and then input the email address where you want to receive the test email and click on the Send button.

crm email template send test email

Once the email is sent successfully you will see a Success Message saying the Test email is sent successfully. on the top right corner.

Importing Email Templates into FluentCRM #

To import a predesigned email template from any other sources,

  1. Go to Emails -> Email Templates and Create a new Email Template. The RAW HTML template type needs to be selected.
  2. Upload the relevant images to the WordPress website and keep note of the media URLs.
  3. Open the HTML template with any text editor and update the image URLs.
  4. Copy the updated code and paste it into the FluentCRM RAW HTML template as the source.
  6. Now Preview by clicking on the Eye icon and see if the template looks promising.
  7. Now Save the template and you can now also send a test email to your email address to see how it looks practically.

That’s all about the Email Template. Now use the Email Template from other places in the FluentCRM without recreating the whole template again.

Latest comments (106)

Avatar for Nazir Himel
Nazir Himel

Hi Hannah, Go to email templates and click the three dots beside your email template. Then click “Delete Template” to remove email templates. You can also select multiple templates and bulk delete them.

Avatar for Jack

When using the Visual Templates there are many errors with paragraph breaks and block padding. In gmail and some other email providers, the email looks good, but when you send it to others, there are additional breaks and spaces in between blocks and it looks bad.

Avatar for Nazir Himel
Nazir Himel

Hi Lauren, really sorry about this. The email template was ready after few days of my comment. But there are a few technicalities which we need to figure out. We want to make sure we can regularly add more templates and that’s what is actually taking time. But our devs informed it’s will be done this quarter and you can rely on us.

Avatar for Nicole

I have a feature request:

I would like the ability to save a template from an existing campaign. I often create a campaign and want to re-use it in another campaign, automation, or sequence. It would save a LOT of time being able to do this!

Avatar for chris

This tool is well thought out and seems to be the future for WordPress eMail marketing.
Especially for beginners, however, templates are missing to get started quickly and to have a red thread for later adjustments. Also for automations this is desirable

Avatar for Max

I have imported an email template using HTML, however now my pre-header is not pulling through in test emails.

The test email instead is displaying the url for the first image of the email in the pre-header field, not the text I input to the FluentCRM pre-header. Is there some code I need to insert at the start of my HTML to correct this?

Avatar for Max

I would like to be able to change the font and font size of the text in my buttons. I have tried in HTML but it does not seem to save. Is there a way to do this? Otherwise the button style does not match the rest of the email. Cheers

Avatar for Stripo template user
Stripo template user

Is Stripo html no longer compatible? Seems like this to me: the RAW html templates from Stripo Mail suddenly stopped working. Suddenly error messages, the previously successfully used HTML code is blocking the campaigns. Even “saving” campaigns is no longer possible. Identical HTML code.

Update bug?

Avatar for Stripo template user
Stripo template user

UPDATE – the Stripo html issue is solved:

The cause was the Wordfence Security plugin, more precisely the WAF firewall contained there. So NO FluentCRM bug and NO FluentCRM update issue.

Thanks to the WP Manage Ninja support, who helped me a lot and also the WP forum, where the problem was already discussed:

The Wordfence WAF firewall must first be put into learning mode – after that everything worked again. Will activate the WAF firewall again after 1-2 weeks and check compatibility.

Avatar for Ed Berry
Ed Berry

Something is missing. I follow the Fluent instructions. I create and build a new email template.
There is no save button. So, when I take the next step, it exits the template, and my template is gone.
Bottom line is it is impossible to build and SAVE an email template in Fluent CRM.

Avatar for Steve

Hello, I want to create a Raw HTML Template but facing some difficulties with some tags, I want to implement some media queries to introduce a dynamic layout but does prevent me from saving and moving forward. Please Advice

Avatar for Brian

I want to understand, when I try to use a template and start adding elements such as images, Heading, text, etc. Once I send the test email I receive an email full of HTML coding, why I’m not able to see the elements and insead I get the code?

Avatar for Sabra

It’s a shame that the template editor is 20 years behind on the rest of the plugin. It’s basically impossible to design an email that doesn’t look generic. The whole point of addressing your customers is to maintain solid branding, while creating proper emails, which the template editor doesn’t support. No headers, no social media icons, no padding in columns or buttons. Working in RAW HTML is the only option, but switching back and forth between views, puts and tags everywhere. And honestly, having to copy/paste code for every email is not a thing I want to do in 2022. I should have checked this feature better before purchasing a license, because it make a very good plugin (with – ironically – a very slick design) basically useless. I really hope improving on the email editor is at the top of your priority list.

Avatar for Nazir Himel
Nazir Himel

Hi Chris, did you check our visual builder? It’s the simpler one for writing & designing emails. Just switch to Visual Builder as you’re writing emails and you’ll see. 🙂

Avatar for Michael

A couple of questions.

1) Is it possible to make re-usable ‘global’ blocks in emails which can be changed in one place and will update all occurrences? If this isn’t native to the plugin, do you know of a way I can achieve this?

2) How do I override the default footer centre alignment? I’m using a custom HTML block on the
I can’t seem to change the alignment of my default footer. Is there a particular CSS rule I need to override in my code?

Avatar for Sean

Is there a way to put in a separator or divider between blocks? The Gutenberg Editor has a Separator Block that’s not available in the email editor for FluentCRM. I’d just like to add a line to separate blocks. Thanks!

Avatar for STEVE

I have read some really good reviews about fluentCRM functionality, however the draw back and deal breaker seem to be the lack of email templates and/or builder. It is a USP for your competitors like mailpoet, mailster etc. it simply make fluentCRM designed for the more techy people. I think by delaying the addition of email templates at the very least will loose you more customers.
how hard can it be? you’ve come up with way complex design with fluent SMTP fail safe feature.
just saying.

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Steve,

I’ve forwarded your suggestion to our R&D. We’ll let you know if they decide to add email templates. For now, you might want to use Stripo and export HTML directly to FluentCRM.

Avatar for pedro

I am using fluentforms, when a user registers I save a custom field, but when creating a tracking template it does not appear to insert only the basic fields, how can I use it? (I already tried typing “@” but only the basic fields appear)

and another thing, can I insert shortcodes generated by me to the mail template?

Thank you!!

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Pedro, Just start typing your custom field name and it should appear. And your second query hasn’t been tested. However, the way plugins work, you may not be able to use your shortcodes on the email template.

Avatar for dennis

Mautic Might be getting worried…

Custom Contact Fields

When I am comping and email – I don’t see how I can use these fields in the email.

I have tried: {{contact.brand_name}} but nothing comes thru in the email

Is there a way to pull the Custom Contact Fields in?

Avatar for Jan Ingo

Hi Nazir, Thanks for your reply. I wonder about how to better my explanation. I made a screenshot, guess there is no upload option for chat. We hit the @ “command” but it seems there is no date/time hook eg. for HTTP callbacks, user defined to get date/time triggered to be shown in something like a textfield. Greetings Jan

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Got it! For this you can simply capture a date field data inside FluentCRM, press @, and start typing the label of your custom field in the email editor. The dynamic tag string will automatically fetch the date field into your email templates.

Avatar for Jan Ingo

Hi Nazir,
first of all it is really great done! Compliments to the team from my side. We are using FluentForms Pro also.
Now one of our main but maybe also a stupid question: How do we get a date format shown into the newsletter template, with a shortcode o something else. The shortcode simply should fetch the date mm/dd/YYYY or dd/mm/Year (german codex) when sending the email and show it in the newsletter like people do in letters or notes. Indeed i guess there’s a really simple solution for that. At a plugin of a competitor it is just a simple click on the date/time icon to select to push into the template.

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Jan, I’m not 100% sure about what you meant when you said you wanted to show a date format into email templates. If your contact property includes this data, you can simply hit @ and start typing your contact field name to bring up any information.

Avatar for Bonnie Hoag
Bonnie Hoag

Hi, Is there a way to export the HTML email once created to share with 3rd parties to also send to their lists? Thinking for partners and sponsors who want to send to their databases. Forwarding these emails, based on tools, can skew the layout from one email provider to another.

Avatar for Sarah Carr
Sarah Carr

Hi I have created an email template and want to do a second one almost identical but I can’t find an option to duplicate? Surely I don’t have to go through another hour setting up the same thing? Please advise thank you

Avatar for lucia

Buenos días:

Me pongo en contacto con vosotros, ya que el diseño de plantillas de correo electrónico cuando se envía, en el móvil se ve correctamente, pero al abrirlo en un PC se distorsiona y no se ve bien, no se visualiza como en la previsualización.

Puede ser que nos falte algún plugin o cambiar algún ajuste?


Avatar for PM

May I also ask about whether any of the emails that are created within Fluent CRM are responsive. These days, responsive emails are critical since so many people are using mobile devices. The sample email I created using Fluent’s block builder didn’t translate well to mobile without having to downgrade the visual appearance of the desktop version, so that the email is readable on a mobile.

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

The responsiveness of your email templates is entirely up to you. FluentCRM does not provide any email templates so you’ll have to compose them and ensure mobile responsiveness. Many of our users are using Stripo email builder service and they’ve had no issue so far. That means, if you’re using unsupported HTML or CSS, your templates won’t translate well.

Avatar for PM

Thanks for the quick reply Nazin. Other than Stripo which is a separate platform (separate website) for building email templates, is there a compatible wordpress plugin that would work with Fluent CRM to create responsive emails? Something this is simple to integrate? Ideally, the fluent CRM email block builder should have contained more advanced features to create really snazzy emails that are also responsive. Would such a feature be considered in the near future? I think this would be ideal and make fluent CRM even more versatile and powerful, considering how important and integral email campaigns are to the entire fluent platform.

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Yeah, we’re working on the email builder. Hopefully, you’ll see some improvements in the near future. Unfortunately, we can’t suggest any email builder that integrates with FluentCRM at the moment.

Avatar for PM

Is there a way to duplicate a block or a group of blocks and headings and paragraphs. It would be ideal to be able to just select them blocks/text, copy them and past them lower down in the email. At the moment, it seems this is not possible, correct? Going the HTML route it too complicated.

Avatar for PM

Is there a widget in the works to add Social Medial icons and links at footer of each email? Or does it come down to manually inserting images of each social media icon in a table and then hyperlinking each one manually?

Avatar for Francois Steyn
Francois Steyn

Hi Tuan

I also struggled with this. But if you use the @ symbol and start typing the name of your field it should appear. If not, you can also add it manually with the following syntax: {{contact.custom.}} replace with the one you want to use. E.g. if I had a field name with ‘score’, it would look like this: {{contact.custom.score}}. Hope this helps

Avatar for Carl Chapman
Carl Chapman

I understand how to use @ to get a list of fields to add. If I wish to enter a greeting like “Dear {{First Name}}” is there an option to substitute a placeholder if the contact record has no value in the filed name?

How would one do that?

Avatar for Ian

Hi there,

I don’t have the option to add emoji’s to my email subject lines like that which is displayed above. Is it another plugin i need to install?

Is there any way to add emoji’s to the email body?

I also don’t have RSS, spacer, table or verse in the backslash options, are these also additional plugins that i need to instal before they show up in the list?


Avatar for Mianne

A slight change to the functionality of this might be helpful.
After creating a losing email templates a couple of times (because I couldn’t see or find a ‘save’ button), I have just discovered by pure accident that we need to press ‘+Create Template’ twice! before the save button appears. ie. pressing ‘+create template’ once permits the creation of an email template, but no ‘save’ button is displayed.
Nice work with the new plugins, but a small change to this workflow might be warranted. 🙂

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Gian, the feature is already available. If it doesn’t appear, there might be a plugin conflict issue or something. that’s exactly why I was referring to support.

Avatar for Mianne

Umm, how do you save an email template? LOL
I’ve just been through the process of creating one but then wasn’t able to save anywhere. I thought maybe it’s automatically saved, but, umm, that wasn’t the case either. :/
I couldn’t find a ‘save’ button anywhere, and trust me, I looked.
Help? 🙂

Avatar for Marie Wandel Kampmann
Marie Wandel Kampmann

Hi, is there a way to ajust the padding on the mail content? I find the text very close to the edge and would like there to be more space around it (but still the text must be left aligned).
Best Marie

Avatar for Tuan Truong
Tuan Truong

I create custom field (your_url) for contact. Then using webhook to add a contact.
But I use Email Template, I don’t see {{contact.your_url}}.
How can I get custom field in Email Template? Do you have document for it?

Thank you so much

Avatar for Nazir Uddin Himel
Nazir Uddin Himel

Hi Dennis, Just start typing your field label. For example, if your field label is brand name, start typing @brand, and then you should see your custom fields. Also, after you add a custom field, it is recommended to do a browser reload.

Avatar for Nazir Himel
Nazir Himel

Hi JR Fent and Toni Rodgers, Thanks for reporting the issue. We do have detailed articles on composing email using both the block editor and visual builder but they weren’t linked before. We’ve added the links so hopefully you’ll find it easier now. If you run into any other issues, please feel free to share.